Chapter 3: Wedding bells

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Chapter 3

After about ten minutes of waiting for our food, there was a small discussion between my soon to be stepbrothers it was mostly between my mom and Mason.

Parker and I sat beside each other, Matthew was sitting beside me which was quite intimidating by him towering over me like a giant. I looked across the table to Emerson, who was brooding with crossed arms and a bored expression.

Feeling my gaze he turned, made direct eye contact. I stiffed by the tug of embarrassment after getting caught, his eyes sharpened as he gave me a cold glare then looked back at our talking parents.
"Everyone! We have an announcement!" My mother said her face full of excitement, this won't be good. "Now I know that this is short notice and you guys just meet but Mason and I have decided to get married on Sunday" she squealed excitedly and Mason rose from his seat and wrapped his arm around her waist kissing her on her rosy cheeks.  Matthew, Cohen, and Zac were the first to get out of their seats and congratulate them on their engagement.

This was all going way to fast! And I knew that my soon to be stepbrothers did not look forward to inviting us into their family and I felt the same way. After talking about the wedding for another hour Mason decided that we should all head out.


After that, the days felt like they just flew by next thing we knew Parker and I were sitting in the front row of a stunning church as I watched my mother standing in front of a priest as Mason slipped a ring with a big sparkly diamond onto her finger. How did this happen was I seriously going to have six stepbrothers!? As if my sister wasn't annoying enough!

But as I look up to my mother the anger that was I was feeling quickly withered when I see how happy she is as Mason's hand gently pushes back a perfectly curled piece of hair before her ear before pulling her closers so their foreheads gently touch, their eyes so full of love as they whisper something to each other. I have never seen her smile like that, even before my father become a gang leader maybe this was for the best.

My stomach did a backflip once my mother said the final 'I do' and I knew Parker felt the same way when she grabbed my hand, her small one trembling in mine as my mother kissed her new husband. I looked over to our new stepbrother and felt a lump growing in my throat, this was going to be interesting.


After the wedding the reception started, millions of people, relatives, grandparents, and those awkward cousins that you don't know all gathered in this huge ball room. Parker and I just kinda stood in the corner not really wanting to socialize as well as hiding from Great Aunt Mary, who is 74 years old and loves to pinch and kiss our cheeks with her bones, scaly finger, and her thin, shriveled, bright red lips.

Proof of this, I had a red lip print on the corner of my lip and Parker had two, (hahaha), one on her forehead by her hairline and one wet one in her right cheek.

Across the room from us was our mother still in her breathtaking wedding dress standing in front of her new husband who was hugging her from behind as my mother talked to Mason's parents.  Mason then leaned in close to her neck to whisper into my mother ear making her giggle cheekily, uh I couldn't help but feel a sick turn in my stomach "Eww" I mumbled causing Parker to laugh. I still couldn't believe that this was all happening, then a realization hit me like a painful punch in the stomach, Dad, what would he do if he found out?

Honestly, he would chop off each of Mason's fingers off then rip out his tongue and then point a gun to his head before beat my mom till she was unconscious. My body started shaking, my fist clenched till my knuckles turned white just thinking of him, Parker noticing my sudden stiffness and shook her head  "about time you notice" she said calmly crossing her arms, leaning against the wall looking back to our smitten mother eating a piece of cake.

As we just stated in silence other than the loud talking and clatters of folks, knives we didn't even notice our extremely annoying, no annoying isn't even the right word, more like repulsive! Anna Light, 15, is my aunties oldest and the cockiest, flirtatious, noisy, loudest people I have ever met as I would rather step on broken glass.

"Well well well if it isn't my favorite cousins" her high pitch voice squealed flicking her flame-red hair so it fell over her shoulder a devilish smile cracked across her face as she grossly swinging her hips in her super tight black dress that hugged her curves and pushing her chest up so they looked bigger making her look 20.

I rolled my eyes giving an annoyed look to Parker which she just returned with a deep sigh of the lack of brain cells we had at this point of a stressful day and didn't know if they could stop their urge to break her perfect little nose and see who's smiling then. Just thinking about it made a smirk come across my face, Anna's eyes caught this as she scowled at me.

"What are you smiling about you sad little daddy's girl?" her blueberry eyes glared with her classic bitch look.

"Oh nothing, just imaging what your screams would sound like if I lit you on fire" I chuckled and I knew I struck a nerve. Her hair becomes even redder "oh right sorry forgot you are a psycho-bitch with daddy issues" she growled trying to make it sound sweet with a monster smile with I returned with a glare.

She then looked at my little sister with a sickening amused smile. From the day my sweet baby sister was born this brat has done nothing but torture and make fun of her. Anna has always been jealous because Parker was the pride and joy of my father's gang and because her father was involved with my dad she always targeted Parker to get the title. "Hey princess, aren't you looking sheepish hide behind your messed up sister I have to say I've messed seeing your ugly face!" She said sarcastically stepping closer to Parker who didn't even flinch and Anna put her perfectly painted hand next to her head against the wall.

"Your new brothers are hot!"
"STEP brothers" I interrupted

Anna smiled ignoring me, "Not to mention Auntie Cora (my mother) sexy new lover" Parker just glared into her cold eyes and I could feel the tension off of the two, it was so thick you could cut it with a knife which had to stop before people started noticing.

I grabbed Anna's thin arm and pushed her gently away from my stiff sister now standing between the two "cool your fake tits," I said annoyed. Anna's teeth grind at my comment and was about to reply with a sneaky comment which I quickly interrupted by turning to my sister and said sweetly "why don't you go sit with our stepbrother. Oh and also can you get me some of those fancy German meatballs?!" I asked my mouth watering at the thought of engulfing those amazing meatballs down my throat, I haven't eaten all day so I could fit in this stupid dress that my mother begged me to wear.

Parker laughed then rolled her eye "fine but if I get caught I'm blaming you" she gave Anna one last glance before spinning on her heels and walked away disappearing into the sea of people.

"You got rid of my entertainment!" Anna pouted I just ignored her nasty comment before shifting in the uncomfortable heels I was wearing that was squishing my toes. "How do you wear these torturous shoes everyday?" I mumbled annoyed, "Well I for one have very delicate feet" she said proudly raising her nose in the air I just scoffed at her comment.

"Full of yourself much?" I said sarcastically as I looked annoyingly around the crowd of people spotting Parker sitting at a beautifully designed table with Zac, Benjamin, Aiden, and a few other people. I was surprised when Parker makes eye contact with me then raised a plate full of German meatballs my lips instantly curling into a smile.

"Don't you think?" Said Anna's voice all of a sudden, drawing my attention back to my annoying cousin who still stood in front of me with one of her hands on her hip with a cold glare it turns out she had been talking the whole time I was looking at Parker. "Sorry, what were you wasting my time with?" I said feeling bored and annoyed by just looking at her face.

Her pretty facial features twisted into an angry scowl and she then grabbed my arm slowly tightening her grip making my hand ache with pain my eyes looked between her hand to her devilish smile. "Listen. Jade. I don't know how you are so fortunate to now have six hot brothers an.." she started "stepbrothers" I interrupted rolling my eyes causing her grip to get tighter and a shock of pain ran up my arm. "I don't know if fortunate is the right word" I fake smiled. Her eyebrows frowned darkly, before anyone could say anything else a hand grabbed Anna's making her release my red arm that would likely bruise.

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