Chapter 20: Blue, blue, blue

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Parker POV

The sleepover with Emma was amazing, we eat, watched movies, and laughed till our bellies hurt after sharing crazy stories. Emma gave me a rundown on all the hot boys at our school, most of them being my step brothers that made me scrunch my nose in disgust but Emma just laughed. For my first sleepover here it was amazing, well except for the fact that we woke up late. After panicking we started running to school, thank goodness that Emma lived close, we didn't even get breakfast so with stomachs growling we bust into the classroom breathless. We apologized to the teacher as we made it to our seat. With a sigh of relief I settled into my chair before I felt eyes on me, I turned meeting the stern ones of Aiden. Oh no.

After a long class it was finally break and Emma was showing me her favorite anime pen that she got last week when she stopped with wide eyes and a sheepish expression as she looked up, following her glaze I was met with Aiden towering over me, he frowned down at me. "Why were you late?" He asked looking between me and Emma. From the corner of my eye I could see his friends staring over at us as they whisper, "Emma's alarm clock didn't work so we woke up late" I said honestly. "Well, they called home so your probably going to get in trouble later." Aiden said shoving his hands in his pocket, "what!? Why?" I exclaimed turning fully to my step brother.

"Mat is really strict when it comes to attendance" he struggled. "Can't you just tell him that it wasn't my fault?" I asked getting frustrated. He smiled down at me "of course not kid, you have to suffer the consequences for you actions" he said in mocking voice "That's stupid!" I huffed glaring at Aiden's friends because their stares were pissing me off. "Yep it is" He laughed before walking away.


The classes past way to quickly for my liking because of a new found reason not to go home. It was now lunch and we got our food, the stares around the cafeteria still made me feel uncomfortable so I kept my head down as we sat at an empty table. The room was filled with loud chatter but I could perfectly hear Emma rambling about how sorry she was that she got me in trouble, "don't worry about it! It wasn't your fault" I smiled at her before two heads leaned on either side of me along with a hand that grabbed my chocolate pudding and my spoon.

"Hey!" I whined trying to grab it back from a smiling Benjamin, "Ben, give that back!" I said raising from my seat and reached as far as I could to try and grab back my dessert. "Sorry kid, skippers don't get dessert no matter how cute they are." Benjamin cooed putting a spoonful of my baby into his mouth which made my jaw drop in angry.

Emerson stretched out his hand and grabbed my face gently pulling it towards him, "So, you want to tell us why you were late." Emerson said with his usually grumpy expression.

"You know, the usual. Just spray painting some guys car in rainbow dicks and smiley faces" I said in sarcastic excitement which made Emma muffle a laugh. Emerson raised an irritated eyebrow before giving Benjamin a look then turned back to me "ohhh, seems like someone grew some balls." Emerson and Benjamin said at the same time. An arm wrapped around my shoulders while pushing Emerson's hand away, "Yeah, too bad you guys can't" Jade said with a wicked smile. Both of them gave her a warning look in which she just rolled her eyes making me laugh. Aiden walked up to us, his face alight as he looks over everyone "I see I just came in time for the scolding! Don't mind me, carry on" he smirk.

I glared darkly at him wishing I could wipe that smirk off his face, I looked back to Emerson to see he was looking at something on my shoulder. Following his gaze to Jade's hand that was resting comfortably on my shoulder that I now was blue?

Before I open my mouth Emerson's movement was so fast all I saw was a blur and Jade was being pulled to Emerson, "Hey!" Was all she managed to say before both her hand were held up. Her fingers dyed a bright blue color, "What is this?!" Emerson scowled in confusion, Jade tried to pull her hands away but it was nothing compared to the grip Emerson had on her.

Just then a girl with raven black hair bust into the cafeteria as she laughed over to us a backpack swings in her hand that were of course, blue. She ran over to Jade, "Yo, it worked we got to go, come o...n oh" The girls excited smile fell when she locked eyes with the twins. Emerson and Benjamin frowned turning back to Jade who just looked up to them with a sheepish smile.

Just then another person burst through the cafeteria door but not of accomplishment like the raven hair girl but if pure and utter rage. She was wearing a cheerleading uniform but it had blue slime running down the front along with splattered all over her face along with a big clump under her nose looking like a big. Blue. Booger. I couldn't help it as I doubled over laughing along with Aiden who was clinching his stomach, she stormed over to us, huffing and mumbled curse words under her breath.

Emerson let go of Jade's hands to pinch the bridge of his nose in pure frustration and shock. "You! You did this you whore!!" She hissed, smoke blowing out of her ears in anger. Oh no, I stopped laughing and timidly stepped i front of my sister protectively, my body shaking as I looked up to a blue monster that was shooting ice glares at us. "Awww P, don't worry I will deal with this" Jade laughed hugging me from behind before kissing my head. She gently pushed me over to Benjamin who put his hand lovingly on my head while giving me a warm smile. Emerson grabbed Jade before she took a step, "You are not going anywhere."

The raven hair girl walked close to Jade with a surprisingly confident, cheeky smile which Jade return. I was so confused, "You are going to pay for what you d...!" She hissed but the raven girl cut her off, "Are you sure it was us?" The blue girl laughed sorely as she stopped in front of us. The whole cafeteria was watch now and the stares were making my heart race, I just wanted to hide in a corner and I could tell Emma was feeling awkward too by the sudden attention, Benjamin noticing my discomfortable and pulled me closer to him which in thankfulness I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist.

"What do you mean 'Are you sure'! Of course it was you! Look at your hands you losers" She said sickly, her rage making her breath quicken as her nicely painted hands clutch in hate. Jade looked to the raven girl and smiled then turned back to the raging beast with an innocent look. "We just made cupcakes for my beloved brothers! Would you like some?" Everyone was quite, the boys were wide eyed with shock as Jade pulled open the backpack that the raven girl was holding and pulled out a plate of blue icing cupcakes with blue star sprinkles.

The whole cafeteria burst into laughter as the blue girls jaw dropped in pure shock as Jade opened the wrapping and placed one of the cupcakes into her hand. The girl looked to Emerson totally bewildered as he just shrugged, she threw the cupcake onto the ground furiously before stomping out of the cafeteria.

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