Chapter 6: With an Iron fist

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Parker's POV
Chapter 6

Dinner was so awkward, everyone sat around a big table unfortunately. Jade was sitting across from me with Emerson and Cohen on either side of her, Mason was sitting at the head of the table with my mother sitting near him with a big smile on her face. Beside me was Aiden and Matthew with Zac and Benjamin on either side of them.

The only conversation was between Mason and mom as the rest of us just quietly ate.

"So, Jade  how do you like the house?" Mason said drawing all attention to her "it's lovely" Jade said softly placing down her fork on the table.

"Speak up" a stern voice said we all look toward our mother.

Her once glowing face turned into a strong glare, Jades eyes were wide at the sudden embarrassment. She looked to Mason who looked as normal as ever, Jade frowned for a second before smiling  "It's lovely, the forest is stunning. Thank you for letting us stay here" Jade said louder forcing her smile to stay, "You are well.." Mason started but was interrupted "thank him properly, he is now your father after all so you will address him as such" our mother scowled at her daughter.

"Mom!" I said surprised at what she just said "Quiet! Now. Jade!" Mother said through clenched teeth. The room was so quiet you could hear a paper clip drop.

I looked over to Jade her eyes dark, fist balled. I could just see her angrier "Jade" I whispered sympathetic.

"It's okay P" she said giving me a soft smile I could tell it was fake I could see the anger and frustration in her eyes. She turned her gaze once again at our stepfather, "Thank you for taking us in, Father" the word laced with venom, the room felt so cold after that.

  An awkward silence fell over everyone "You are very welcome Jade, the forest is one of my favorites too" Mason said softly providing Jade a soft smile. I looked around the table to see my stepbrothers face and were surprised to see dark eyes and balled fists.

"So, we have some news!" my mothers said sweetly placing her hand on Mason's ignoring the cold glares and tension around the table "we are going on our honeymoon on Monday!" My mother said excitingly.

I could feel the color drain from my face, how could she leave when she knew what time of year it was.

"Mother, please, you promise you would be here" Jade said angrily "Parker will be starting her first day of high school and it will be her birthday. Fath..." before Jade could finish my mother's hand slammed down on the table.

"Sweetheart" Mason started trying to calm down his new wife but our mother just ignored it and continued "You have a new father now! And I should be able to go on my honeymoon, you should be grateful!" My mother hissed sternly, just before Jade could snap back I stood up. "She's right! Jade, it's fine" I said smiling at my sister trying to hide the pain I felt, Jade say through my reassuring and her eyes burning into mine.  I shoved my pain down as I sat back into my seat, embarrassed of my outburst. It was quit for a what felt like forever, Jade's eyes lingered on me as I looked down at my plate with the best smile I could hold.

"Of course, how silly of me" Jade said coldly looking down at her plate. I looked over to my angry mother I pulled over a small laugh "so where will you guys be going?" I asked as excitedly as possible, trying and lighten the mood.

"We will be going to Australia! It's supposed to be beautiful this time of year" Mason said lovingly grabbing our mother's hand I nod before sparing Jade a small glance what she returned "that's wonderful, mother" I said sadly.

Everyone finished their dinner except for Jade she left a little while ago, said she had some unpacking to finish, I helped Zac wash the dishes in the kitchen and was now starting to put them away "Sooo" Zac said looking awkwardly as he sat on the counter "Sooo" I mocked putting two mugs away "dinner, that was, interesting" Zac said. I turned around so I was facing him "yeah" I sighed looking over to the stunning sunset. Zac jumped off the counter and was now just leaning against it "is your mother always like that?" Zac asked softly before crossing his arms.

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