Chapter 28: Their Back?

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Hey guys, sorry it took so long omg! This chapter broke my heart, hope you enjoy it! Don't be afraid to comment I love hearing your advice and what you did or didn't like 💕

Jade POV

I let out a big sigh, why does the pain of the past always seem to come back? A figure stepped beside me, I looked over to see Jayson in all of his glory. He stood tall with his hands in the pocket of his fine-fit suit that hugged his body perfectly, his usual messy raven black hair was slicked back handsomely that brought out his emerald green eyes that bore into mine making a lump form in my throat. What was he doing having a meeting with Tommy?!

A smirk pulled on his lips and my stomach did a backflip I glared at him in return before looking back to the boys. They all had dark eyes as Emerson snapped at whoever was on the phone with him, his eyes widened before saying a little okay before hanging up.

"We need to go back to the house, Dad and Cora are back," Emerson said darkly. I could feel my hands clench tighter, my nails digging into my palm. I locked eyes with Benjamin who had a sorrowful frown, I can't believe I trusted them. I let them break down my walls and turn outs their just like the rest of them.

Emerson looked up at me, my eyes still on Benjamin. He walked over to me making me flinch back accidentally bumped shoulders with Jayson, "Jade, I know you are mad and have lots of questions. And I know that trusting us is the last thing you want to do right now but, please, let's just go back home and we can explain everything" I hide my surprise as I snapped my eyes to Emerson's soft ones.

I glared darkly not saying anything in return, what was I to say? I looked over to Parker who was watching us with frowned eyebrows, I could see the hurt in her eyes behind the frustration. I waited watching her carefully as she looked at Emerson then back at me and gave me a small nod in which I shoved my hands in my pockets and walking past the boys with Parker close on my heels.

"Parker" Aiden tried and that sent Parker in tears as she ran to my side. Through all my anger, fear, and sadness my shoulder tingled from such a little touch. I rolled my shoulder trying to forget it as we made it towards the car.


The drive to the house was quiet except for Parker's small sniffles. Jayson was following close behind as we arrived at the house.

Zac was already standing in front of the car with a worried expression on his face as the engine was turned off, we all hopped out. Parker stayed close to my side as we stood by the car, Zac walked around the car "oh my gosh! I was so worried" Zac tried to walk to me and Parker but Emerson grabbed him by his arm making Zac's face frown as he looks at his brother. "Don't" was all Emerson said.

I turned my head down to the ground the tears threatening to leak down my face, they are killers just like father. I tried to remind myself, keeping my head up as we walked inside the house. The house seemed darker than it usually did, I could hear voices coming from in the living room and the ache seemed to lift with relief at hearing the familiar voice of my mother.

The boys were following close behind us as we entered the living room to see Matthew and Cohen in a heated conversation with Mason as my mom standing close by, the conversation quickly quieted as the attention was turned towards us.

My fists clenched at my side as I met eyes with Mason, technically they weren't supposed to be back for another week but the look on Mason's face told me that he knew what was going on and he wasn't happy. His arms crossed over his chest as he stood over his sons, his dark browns frowned.

My heart started pounding against my ribs when I looked into my mom's tired eyes, she gave me a sorrowful glance before pinching her nose with a sigh. I glared darkly, of course. Of course, she's going to act like this, just when things get hard and she shuts down.

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