Chapter 11: Mistakes

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"!" Parker's voice shaky and fearful Emerson opened the bag and looked inside his once victorious face turned bright red "Shit" was all he said before turning the bag upside down and dumping  my purchases on to the table, the whole room went quiet.

Parker broke free and ran in front of me "'s my fault...sniff...I asked her to she did nothing wrong! Okay! I was scared... our father alway punished us...whe"

"Parker, don't!" I warned "he would yell and shove us if he ever found I was scared!" Parker cries fill the quite room. Matthew stood up from his chair and walk to Parker he hand gently came to her wet cheeks and with his thumb he wiped her tears away.

His eyes full of sadness and guilt, he kneeled in front of Parker "I' sorry we shou...I should have been understanding and a safe place for you to ask for anything and instead we made you fearful! I'm so sorry! How could anyone treat you this way" Parker burst into tears she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders. Matthew looked to me but I didn't want to look at his face so I turned my head.

Matthew told Parker to wash up and that we will go to the movies so she ran up stairs leaving me and my step brothers. Everyone was quite until Zac whispered "I'm so sorry Jade! How could I say such things" a tears slide down my cheek I quickly wiped it away "it's fine..." I said strongly "jade.." Matthew started



Was all I said before walking away, the rest of the day was good we went to the movies and Parker looked so happy. It finally took her mind of our mother. As for what happened earlier it wasn't anything I wasn't use to, it actually end on a nice note considering when ever that happened with my father I would be beat to a pulp. Zac and Benjamin tried to talk to me about it but I just ignored they even tho I was use to this kinda of thing doesn't mean I wasn't still angry at them.

~ next day ( the first day of school ) ~

The sun streamed into my room lighting the walls with a beautiful peachy color that was warm and cozy, I slowly got out of my comfy bed and into the bathroom. After I was done washing up I looked at my uniform, thankfully we didn't have to wear it all the time only for the first day and on special events.  👇🏼

I quickly pulled on my uniform then went down stairs for breakfast, everyone was already up and either eating breakfast, looking at their phone, or drinking coffee

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I quickly pulled on my uniform then went down stairs for breakfast, everyone was already up and either eating breakfast, looking at their phone, or drinking coffee. Parker was all dressed in her uniform but her bow was tied all wrong making me smile at her cuteness, "Good Morning!" Zac said sweetly "Morning" I replied looking at the delicious plate of bacon!

My mouth started to drool it looked so good, I went to grab one off the plate but Emerson grabbed the plate and held it in the air. He wore his black uniform pants and white shirt with a black tie all messy and fitting his 'bad boy' personality perfectly.

"Give. Me. The. Bacon" I said slowly "sorry shorty, this bacon is mine" Ohh this guy is going to get it. I sighed looking down because it was hurting my neck to keep looking up "um dude, your fly is open" I laughed looked back up at him, his face went red "What!?" His voice crack was hilarious but just at he looked down at his crotch his hand lowered so I quickly jumped up grabbing the plate of bacon and ran like my life depended on it, which it does.

As I ran down the hall into the living room I quickly shoved a piece of bacon into my mouth savoring the delicious flavors. A loud roar came from the kitchen companied by loud foot steps ran down the hall, my fear spiked and I shoved another piece of bacon down my throat. Emerson ran into the room huffing of anger, I smiled cheekily as I had the last piece of bacon in my mouth 👇🏼

I could see steam blowing out his ears "you're dead!" He jumped at me cause a squeal to escape my lips before he grabbed me by my waist and hosting me up over his shoulder his arm holding my skirt down as he started walking "let me go!" I yelling ...

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I could see steam blowing out his ears "you're dead!" He jumped at me cause a squeal to escape my lips before he grabbed me by my waist and hosting me up over his shoulder his arm holding my skirt down as he started walking "let me go!" I yelling hitting his back. His free hand come down hard on my ass I yelped cheeks red "ow jerk!" he let out a laugh "that's what you get for stealing my bacon brat!" Emerson walking back into the kitchen everyone tries to hide their laughs and chuckles.

He grabbed my waist and placed me down beside the counter so he was now towering over me, a victorious smirk plastered on his face "jerk" I mumbled he scoffed then tightly grabbed my wrist and pulled me by the fridge. The grip was strong but not to the point of pain which I at least appreciated.

He opened the fridge and pulled out a small tray of uncooked bacon. He shoved it towards me for me to hold it, he shut the door and grabbed my arm again pulling me towards the stove.

"Your going to make me a new full plate of bacon" he said crossing his arms amused by my annoyance "sure asshole, would you like a side of never with that" I smiled "Jadelyn" Cohen scolded. "Listen punk, you are going to make me my bacon or do you need more spankings" Parker's head snapped towards us "what?" Parker and Aiden both said at the same time, my face heated as Emerson opened his mouth "I'll do it! I'll do it! Gosh" I interrupted. Emerson turned to face me, giving me a evil smirk well I huffed my annoyance.

~ Parker POV ~

Jade stood there grumbling as she placed the bacon on the frying pan, it was funny see her act in such a childish way. She's been so strong through these past few years it's kinda nice to see her with her walls down, Jade put the delicious smelling bacon on a plate and placed it in front of Emerson who has never looked happier "poor Jade" I said to Aiden who nodded in agreement. "Thanks love" Emerson said looking at his plate of bacon.

Zac walked into the kitchen "everyone get it the car you're going to be late!" Everyone jumped up, Emerson shoved most of the bacon into his mouth and Jade quickly grabbed a piece and tried to get away but Emerson grabbed her by the caller of her shirt and tried to scold her but his mouth was too full "sorry love I don't understand what your saying!" Jade teased "Come on! get a move on" Zac yelled again from the door way.


Emerson being the lone wolf he is, left on his motorcycle and Benjamin drove Jade, Aiden and me. The feeling of being extremely terrified was swirling in my stomach I pulled out my phone from my bag and called mom, the ring of the phone was mostly coved by Benjamin's music that was blasting.

The ringing  stop and a small "hello?" Came from the other end ."Hi! Mom, I just wanted to say hi. Today is the first day of school! I'm a bit nerv..." "I'm sorry I'm really busy right now, see you in two weeks" my mom said plainly before she hung up. I couldn't help but be hurt, I let out a small sigh I felt eyes on me so I gently lifted my gaze and met Aiden frowning. Did he hear what we were talking about? We stopped in one of the school stalls 👇🏼

 Did he hear what we were talking about? We stopped in one of the school stalls 👇🏼

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