Chapter 32: Jadelyn

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Chapter 32: warning ⚠️ use of guns 💪 no not those guns but you know what I mean, there is also some steamy stuff not a lot but I thought I should tell you 💗👍🏻
~ Thank you so all your support and patience it means a lot!

Jade POV

As I watched Parker's car drive away it took everything in me not to run after it, my fingers twitched at my sides as the car got smaller and smaller away. I turn back towards the house to see Jayson and Matthew in a conversation, their arms folded and eyes focused causing my curiosity and itching questions to claw at my insides.

I leaned my back against the car as I glared at the two talking boys, allowing my suspicions to twist in my head.

Two figures start making their way toward me in the corner of my eye but I make no effort to look already have a pretty good guess of who it was.

Cole leans a hand on the car by my head and stands beside me while Caleb stood in front of me but didn't dare to block my burning glare into Jayson's face.

"So, looks like we have a new kitty to the gang," Caleb says his lips curled in a mysterious grin as his dark eyes, which match his brothers, doer into my distracted ones.

Slowly, I move my attention to him "I'm sorry, what?" I snarled.

"New members of our group are called Kittens until they earn their spot" Cole explained with a smile which made an unease feeling in my stomach. I looked back to Caleb to see his hungry eyes, oh how I would like to go toe to toe with this guy. I shift my jaw before looking over his shoulder to once again look at the deep conversation which had Jayson's jaw working, I pushed off the car slowly so I was now standing to my full height.

Caleb, now a foot away still seemed to tower over me though he was only a few centimetres taller, Cole was the same height I was. I hate being short.

"I'm not in no gang," I said before looking back into Caleb's eyes, "and I ain't no one's kitty" I snarled, my chin heigh as I glare into Caleb's excited one.

A shiver blushed down my spine but I never showed it as Cole laughed in the background, "feisty" he said.

I broke my glaring contest with Caleb and looked over at Cole who gave me a twisted grin, I rolled my eyes before shoving my hands in my pockets and walking past Caleb.

The warm wind blew through my hair as I approached Matthew. He gave Jason a small nod before walking away, in his departure, Jason's gaze moved to me but I gladly pretended like I didn't see it. A calming feeling of relaxation took over my aching heart and I silently welcome the peace that Matthew's presence provided. But I didn't let it soften my determination.

"What were you talking about?" I asked bluntly. Matthew raised one of his eyebrows, "Nothing you need to worry about, just going over some final details." I scoffed at his ease of not answering questions.

Matthew looked at me for a second before his features soften, "how are you doing? I know leaving your sister can't have been easy. You did the right thing, for both of you."

Even though Matthew's words made sense my heart refused to believe that this was for the best. I couldn't help my frustration building into a snap, "Yeah. Well, that's what happens when your mother marries another family of murderers." The burn in my eyes was obvious as I met Matthew's stormy blue ones.

But he didn't look shocked or hurt but for the first time understanding, "My father wasn't born into the mafia he married into it when he married Emerson, Benjamin and Aiden's mom. My mother's name was Lia Ligera, she was the heart of our family but when she passed away from brain cancer my dad found himself in a dark place and an even darker business which end in him marring the Dom's daughter to take his place at her side."

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