Chapter 14: Gym

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Because Emerson and Benjamin are one year older then me but we have some classes together including PE, I walk out into the gym full of people and apparently I have a disease or something that I didn't know about because all of the girl were avoiding me and just shooting daggers of ice at me. I just huffed in annoyance.
"Nice ass Williams" one of the boys yelled from across the gym and another boy whistled at me. "Wish I could say the same" I yelled back and got a lot of claps and laughed from his friends, I curtsied sarcastically before unexpectedly looking up to see Emerson eyes. That were dark as coal while he stormed across the gym towards me with Benjamin close on his heels.

"What do you think your wearing!?" Emerson spat, "Oh so now you want to talk and play 'big brother'" I said smiled sarcastically Emerson just rolled his eyes before taking off his shirt revealing his six pack to all the girls in my class causing them to drool all over the floor "seriously?!" I laughed in annoyance I tried walking away but Emerson grabbed my arm and pulled me into him "hey!" I protested but he ignored me as he pulled the shirt over my head and pulled my arms out the holes, the shirt was way bigger then me so it when down to my lower thigh causing half the gym including Benjamin to chuckle,

Not Emerson, he was fully serious. my cheek heated of humiliation I cursed under my breath as I quickly tried pulling the shirt off but Emerson quickly grabbed my hand "No." I frowned "Emers.." I started "Rule 5" Benjamin said patting my head, rule number 5, you are only allowed to wear approved outfit by Mason or my step brothers. Emerson grabbed my arm more gently this time which was surprising but quickly went away when he snarled "I dare you" a devilish smirk forming on his lips obviously telling me that I'll get a real ass beating if I take it off.

"Fine get off" I struggled my arm out of his grasp "aww your so cute shorty!" Benjamin cooed ruffling my hair "get off you ass!" I scowled "ohh... do I need to wash your mouth?" Emerson taunted "I'd like to see you try" I challenge and before Emerson could say anything someone shoved me out of the way and jumped on him wrapping her legs around his waist.

I regained my balance and looked to who was about to die for pushing me and it was the Barbie girl from earlier "hey hot stuff~" she cooed eyes full of disgusting thirst. I made a fake gagging noise getting a chuckle from Benjamin who threw his arm over my shoulders and lead me away "let me introduce you to some of my friends...your going to see a lot of them" he smiled pulling me through the crowded people until we stopped at a group of boys our age with one girl that had blue hair that looked awesome.

They were laughing to themselves, I could feel myself tense under Benjamin and I think he notice because he gave me a little squeeze that pulled me closer to his side. " I'm good... let go" I scrummed trying to push him off but that thought quickly went away as everyone's eyes fell on me that made me fell self conscious and now felt a little protected by Benjamin's embrace.

"Hey Benny! Who's this cutie?" A booming voice said I looked up as a dark shadow towered over us, I gulped as I reached his eyes he was easily 6,9. He had a shaved head with purple stripes down the sides, arms covered in tattoos and had an amused smirk on his face as looked down my body. I frowned as he stripped me with his eyes, I rolled me eyes and ducked under Benjamin's arm and walked backward and quickly turned around to run into someone's hard chest.

I looked up to meet Emerson's looked down at me and before I could say or do anything some one grabbed my arm and pulled me backwards causing a Yelp to escape me lips. The person tightly gripped my face, I looked up see the girl with the blue hair her green eyes searched mine and I pushed my shock down and gave her a hard glare to match hers. A soft smile spread across her black colored lips, she looked at the boys that were now surrounded us "I like her" I pulled my face away and backed up now putting me in the middle of all of them. I felt as though I was standing in the middle of wolves watch their prey squirm.

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