Human Luca 6

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Outside 3rd person:

Alberto was still in pain from that fall, he still loves gravity though. ( Wait I should low key make a random story where Alberto gets on a roller coaster for the 1st time 😨) He was waiting for Luca to come, since he somewhat brought him comfort. A few minutes later Luca and Giulia came back from eating, it wasn't time to sleep yet but Alberto was tired, he didn't go to sleep though so he just stayed awake, Luca came to Giulia's hideout and sat next to Alberto. Alberto just smiled, Luca looked at him with worry. "Uhm..Alberto? Are you alright?" Alberto jolted up a little bit "Yeah?" He was obviously tired. "Are you sleepy or something? You know you can sleep..ri-" before Luca could finish his sentence, Alberto was already fast asleep. "Alright then, goodnight Giulia!" "Night Luca." They all fell asleep.

Luca POV:

I woke up and saw something purple, it was blurry though since I just woke up so I couldn't really see it correctly. It's probably my imagination though so I just shrugged it off and went to sleep again.

Alberto POV: That was close.... *Shakes off water* It's a good thing he went back to sleep or else that would've ended like..really bad. Then I heard Giulia doing some loud music noises with her mouth, I mean she's good at it but it sure woke Luca up right away, morning call maybe? Not sure. I just told them that I'd be away for a while. I was honestly just gonna go explore things since I wanted to see new stuff. A few hours passed since I have gone away from Giulia's house and I realized that I forgot to ask them to help me, I'll just ask them when I get back..I was randomly pushed to a wall and I turnt my head around, it was those guys again.

Outside 3rd person:

( Okay this part is kinda intense not really that much but it has blood so just incase you have been warned)

Alberto was pushed to a wall by Ercole and his "Helpers / Minions" they were forced to help him though not gonna lie. " Something fishy is going on with you...and I mean besides the smell. You're hiding something." Alberto was obviously scared but- "Is it that I'm smarter than you? I mean I'm not really hid-" Ercole punched him in the stomach before he could really even finish, and Alberto's stomach was still hurting from what happened last night when he fell. "A-AH!" Alberto couldn't do anything since Cicco and Giudo were holding his arms, he could barley move his legs since they were tired, he was hurt and just had to wait for it to be all over. By time they were finished it was afternoon, they walked away while Alberto was on the floor crying, the tears revealed scaled on his cheeks but he wiped his tears and decided to just go back to Giulia's place.

Massimo's house 3rd person:

Giulia and Luca heard knocking on the door and just assumed it was Alberto, they looked out and saw it was, they went to open the door but saw that Alberto was sad, holding his stomach, bleeding, and he had messed up hair. They looked at him in shock and worry. "WHAT HAPPENED ALBERTO?" Luca asked. Alberto stayed silent since he didn't want the tears to fall out, he held it in. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Giulia tried comforting him. He shook his head and finally let some words out "I-I'll be fine.."

(☹️ Sad moments rn. CLIFFHANGER ❤️😁)

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