Chapter One- Start over.

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Narrator's P.O.V:

The war is now over; everyone went home and the seventh years who wanted to could go back to Hogwarts as eighth years and finish off their missed school year. One of those eighth years being (former death eater) Draco Lucius Malfoy.

Draco's P.O.V:

After the war my mother and father received a letter saying that 'The Chosen One' had defeated 'Lord Voldemort'. Of course me and my mother were relived however I fear father is not. However, luckily for mother and myself ; father (if i can even call him that anymore) has been taken away to Azkhaban a few weeks ago for all his crimes in Voldemort's name. I have also received my Hogwarts 'Start Your Eighth Year' letter two days ago.

It is September 22nd and I am on my way to catch the (Muggle machine) I believe is called a 'bus'. After my apparition journey this morning from Malfoy Manor into London. I now need a ride to Hogsmeade which is why I am waiting to take the bus. As of which i see coming right now.


Harry's P.O.V: 

It's just after the War. I went back to see how the Dursley's are since last time I saw Dudley and Petunia they were nice to me (After 14 years of hate rid). Two days ago I got my 'Start Your Eighth year' letter for those seventh years who didn't get to finish off their last year they can go back and start now. Sadly, I am going alone; Ron is helping George since Fred is in a coma and Hermione is 'Minister At The Industry Of Magic'. Which I am happy for them and I do need my own peace and space this year just to sort out my life.

 And Ginny has been very clingy through letters recently. If I am to be truly honest it is kind of weirding me out. Not to mention I don't like girls (in a romantic way). I have always though I am gay especially for Malfoy but no one knows that and we don't need to go into them details most likely never going to happen he hates me to much.  Ginny on the other hand though feels like a sister to me.

Today is the 22nd of September and I am currently on the bus going to Hogsmeade for my eighth hear Hogwarts supplies when I see Malfoy waiting at the bus stop awkwardly standing out from the crowd a little bit (though you'd only know that if you are a witch or wizard in a muggle world) we make eye contact. I then look away and use my new phone (7 plus to be exact) and my headphones as a distraction and put them in when I feel two gentle taps on my shoulder.

Draco's P.O.V:

I get on the bus and see that the only available seat is next to Potter. Of course I am completely fine with that, I mean he has been my crush literally ever since second year. Though what hurts is the fact that we are suppose to hate each other. But it's the end of the war now so I guess we can start fresh. 

I walk up to him and tap him twice on his shoulder.  He looks up with his big, emerald, dazzling, green eyes and a slightly noticeable blush on his cheeks. His lips a light shade of pink.

"H-hey there M-Malfoy." He greets me

"Yes, hey Harry. Um do you mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full." 

He has this look of confusion plastered on his face until I realise my mistake. Before I can correct myself on saying 'Harry' instead of 'Potter' he opens his mouth and a small but audible little "Yes." escapes his lips. And I sit next to him. 

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