Halloween Party

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Harry's POV:
"Now close your eyes dray"

"H-Haz not that I don't trust you or anything of that sorts at all but what is happening?" Draco asked stuttering because he tripped over his knee feet.

"If I tell you babe then it won't be a surprise will it?" I stayed leaving no room for argument

"Alright fine! But if anything happens to me just know I am blaming you because you should be watching where I step and everything since you blind folded me" he scolded through the fabric "but I love you so I trust you" oh now he added the 'I love you'

Oh and yeah I added a blind fold over his face so he couldn't see where we are going or see the lights Pansy demanded we have up and they show through the door. You see we through a Halloween party it is only going to be Me, Draco, Pansy, Hermione, Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle and Luna.

You might be wondering 'hey what about Ron?" Well we had some trouble with him recently because he doesn't want to be mates with the Slytherin's and he has a problem with me because I am and I quote 'A Slytherin in Gryffindor clothing' just because the sorting hat nearly put me in Slytherin for having half of Voldemort's soul in me.

Anyway away from the depressing factor me and Hermione came up with the idea when we were visiting my parents Graves because today is the day they saved me from being killed as a 1 year old.

I miss them somehow we just wanted a surprise party however we needed all our mates help since we all have good physiques with Parties who go through it for we didn't know. Then we came to the conclusion ah Draco he is unnecessary for through in parties because well he don't know how to through one. So here we are dragging Draco to the room of requirement for a surprise party.

We have arrived at our destination now so I let go of Draco's hand which he obviously detested but I said I would be back. I took 3 long strides thinking "I need a place with a surprise' when the door appeared I knocked 5 times to signal it was me and to get ready and hide.

I then took Draco's hand and took the blind fold off. What amazes me was Draco's expression when he looked around the room.

"I At least thought you would do a better thing with the place guys. And you say my acting skills are terrific." He stated boredly

I looked at him in disbelief.

He caught my gaze and jumped

"AHHH! Were did you come from! Wait what? You took the blind fold off?"

What was up with him? He just said something weird which made no sense and yet now he didn't even know I took the blindfold off? Is He okay?

"The place looks amazing, too bad it isn't for me though" again with the weird talk

"What do you mean..."


I screamed (a very manly scream may I add) when all our mates jumped out. But this party was meant to be for Draco why are they acting weird?

It was then I saw the banner it said


I had tears in my eyes so this whole time I thought I was planning a party for Draco when actually they went behind my back and did one for me? I loved them all so much.

"Thanks you guys."

"HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!" Hermione and Pansy shout

We all laughed and had a great time.
Everyone's consumes we're amazing

Hermione was a Vampire
Blaise was a Werewolf
Pansy was funnily enough a witch
Crabbe was a crab ahaha
Goyle was painted grey for a gargoyle
Luna was a bird
I was a devil and angel hybrid
And Draco was a Veela

Why did everyone have a related costume me because I am evil and an angel everyone had their relations which is very funny actually I loved it but mostly I loved my friends they really are my family

Happy Halloween y'all have a wonderful night doing whatever you are doing and enjoy byeeeee❤️

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