Not an Update but please read.

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Hey guys. So I have figured out what days I will be updating on my page and that. So it will hopefully be weekly however this Tuesday I start school again. Yay 😁 I absolutely love ❤️ school. I am a years 8. But anyway I will update on Monday, Thursday and Saturdays. Every week cross fingers however if I am busy then I will let you know and then I will update as soon as I am free weather it be the day after but then I will still be updating the next due date if that makes sense.

Lastly thank you all so much for voting 🗳 on my chapters it means a lot. And a shout out to @gay_is_my_name because I didn't know how to spell Azkaban and as everyone says you learn something new everyday.

And yeah so thank you all so much you all mean so much it is nice to just leave reality and hop into my own imagination sometimes.

Dont Forget to message any ideas at all or anything really i don't mind I love getting messages from people and connection to other people around the world or even in the UK were I am a from and we can all just chat.

So without any further ado I think you all deserve a Halloween update but it has nothing to do with this story. Just a one-shot

Byeeeeeeee ❤️

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