Chapter Four- The kiss is the start to a new begining.

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Harry's P.O.V:

OH MY MERLIN'S BEARD! Draco is gay! HE IS GAY FOR ME! Is this a dream? Oh lord. I love it, I love HIM, I LOVE THIS FEELING! WAITTT A MINUTEEEE...

Draco's P.O.V:

Have I? Have I just? Have I just made the first move on Harry, and kissed him? Have I just admitted my feelings for him? OH MY! He is gonna think I am crazy. Oh well... Might as well... I DID IT! I am kissing Harry frickin' Potter. WAIT! Is he kissing me back? Yes. Thank you Merlin! This is the best feeling ever.

Harry's P.O.V:

Draco BLOODY Malfoy has or IS kissing me right now! Wait a minute... I'm apparently kissing him back! This is honestly the best feeling ever. Ah man wait what? "Nooo, don't stop kissing me. You bloody git."

"Pfft ahahaha-" Draco started laughing "What's the matter Haz wants more of my kisses?" He asked me. "Shoot did I say that aloud?" I mumbled "Yep. Might want to work on your mental thinking, love." I could feel all the blood rush to my face.

"You alright Haz?" Draco asked me. "Did you mean all that? W-what you said. O-or was it a s-sick joke?" I asked hurt had written itself all over his face and he turned a ghostly pale. (more so than his usual colour).

"W-what-" He looked taken a back "No, no, no love. I meant it. Every word of it I meant. I promise you have my word Haz." By the time now I had tears in my eyes (yet again) god what is up with me? I am always on the verge of crying or am crying get a grip over yourself Harry. I mentally slapped myself.

"P-prove it." I said to him "What?" he asked shocked and confused "Prove y-you m-meant every w-word of w-what you s-said. T-to me." Do I believe him though? I don't know but I still want him to prove it to me.

Draco's P.O.V:

"Be my boyfriend?" I asked. If he didn't believe the kiss then he has to believe my question. Can't he? Or do actions really speak louder than words?

Harry's P.O.V:

Is he joking? I really hope not. Alright Harry you can do this. You defeated the all mighty 'Lord Voldemort' what should it be to you if this really is a joke? Well everything. Fine! I have made a decision.

Draco's P.OV:

"Yes." I was shocked "Wait you really mean it?"

"As long as your willing to take me then yeah of course."

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