Chapter nine - alot of infomation

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Harry's POV

I woke up with a fuzzy mind and I couldn't remember what had happened before I fell asleep, then all at once like being hit my a train my memories came back of me being in pain down my lower back area and having a massive headache.

I touched my head and felt two little fluffy ears I moved my hand down to my lower back area and felt a skinny, long tail with a white tip and the end of it, I got out of bed to look in the mirror.

My eyes where still green but with a black slit in the middle like a cat I stead of my pupils being round, I had sharp fangs but not long enough like a vampires where it can sink I go your sling just enough to draw blood if I bit anyone, my ears also had white tips at the pointy end just like my tail, my body shape was a white glass I had a lot of curves basically the body a girl would die to have, my lips were full and plump pink, my eyelashes grew even longer than they were before.

What's happened to me? I thought

When I heard rustling coming from the bed I looked back and met eyes with a grey pair, Draco's stormy grey eyes, I ran to the bathroom and locked the door as fast as I could which seemed to be faster than I normally could run. Must be another effect of well whatever is happening to me.

When o heard heavy and fast footsteps come to outside the bathroom door I moved away, Draco then knocked on my door,
"Harry, babe, open up, let me explain what is happening to you, I know your are frightened but let me be there for you please," I heard him pleading through the door for me,

He can't see me like this he will think I am a freak.
But he wants to explain what is happening,
He knows what is happening.
Still doesn't change the fact your a freak, you always knew you were different now you have proof.

All these thoughts were going through my head, I was scared to say the least, I don't want Draco to think different of me like a freak and not love me anymore, instead of answering him all I could do is break down and cry, at how disappointed he is going to be when he looks at me.

"Harry, I am going to get my mum, I'll be back don't run away okay, everything will be fine, I promise, I still love you even if you look different, you will all ways be My Harry." With that I heard his footsteps retract and his bedroom door open and close.

When he left I creaked open the door a littler to see if he had actually gone, but infortune he was right behind the door, I tried to close the door but he was faster and he ran in the bathroom after me!

I grabbed a towel as fast as I could and wrapped it around me, no why did he have to do that? He will think I am ugly no matter what he says he will leave me!

"Harry, let me explain what is happening please, stop hiding from me it is upsetting me, I will love you no matter what you look like. Just please." Draco begged while trying to pull the piles of towels off me

I didn't realize I had started crying till he comforted me
"Babe, there is no reason for you to be upset please just look at me"

I pulled the towels off me and ran straight I to his abs and hugging his hips since I was that short still, while full on crying now, I felt so insecure.

He just hugged me tighter while whispering sweet nothings in my ear to calm me down.

"Harry, are you calm enough now so I can begin to tell you what is happening?" Draco asked smoothly
I didn't trust my voice so I just nodded. He siged.

"Your a neko. That is a half huma, half cat. You can only get submissive neko's like you are. You have a dominant mate, me, and neko's mates creatures usually consist of veelas, vampires, werewolves and rare dominant pheonix hybrids. Neko's usually represent cats, cats are usually fisty and sassy animals like girls so neko's tend to have a body with a wine figure glass bottle which most girls would kill to have. Like I have said before your very feminine creatures so you can get pregnant only by your dominant mate though and you give birth via c-section because your organs reproduce themselves so that they can preduce a way that normal girls do so they can fall pregnant and have a family. When neko's are scared, anxious, threatened, comfortable, vulnerable or in their dominants arms when they have strong feelings basically they can turn into cat form until they get tired then they transform back but the first time you do it, it will hurt so you have to practice regularly so your body becomes use to it. That is all the information I have. So your still normal Hazza, in fact this was very expected because normally submissive don't have their inheritance till their birthday or only before then when they have et their mate who has already got their inheritance after a few weeks of being together. Oh and the longer you stay away from your mate the more pain you happen to be in so for lessons this year we have to be together, we can't be in different dorms because I will go crazy worrying if your ok and you will miss me and get scared if others if we are the pain for the dominant because so severe they may try take their life and for the submissive the pain becomes so bad they go out of control and spiral until they do something bad and hurt themselves enough to either die if the mate is dead or just be about able to bring back from the surface by their mate but that don't happen until at least 6 years without your soulmate so for a week or 15 hours we would be in our dorm and 8 asleep we would go irritated and snappy maybe hurt the Ken's we care about. But I will be here to help you through it all, love, that is what matters. Now this I am aware is a lot of information to take in so I will let you think on it and then we can go back to bed since it is 5:34 in the morning, love." Draco said and comforted me. Once I took all the Information In I snuggled close to Draco and just relaxed letting my mind and body sooth itself after the eventful morning and enjoy the company of my mate for as long as possible until wanting to go back to bed.

The last thing I remove hearing before going bed is

"Love you my little submissive mate, sleep well have good dreams, love, cya in a while" with a kiss on my head and then I was overtook by a deep and dreamless sleep again.

1231 words

That k you guys for the votes and comments and actually reading my book it means a lot let me know if there is any ideas you guys have for me to continue writing this if soucis be a great deal if I wrote something with your guys help so you feel more included that is all for now sorry it took me so long to update where have I been all these weeks Aha oh and also if you have any question like a q and à for me be sure to write them down and I will answer them all truthfully thank you again for the millionth time

Lots of love Roxxi❤️

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