Chapter 10 - Finished⚠️

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Draco's POV:

3 years later:

Harry and me where on our way to drop off Albus and Scorpius off at 9 3/4. Since they are starting their 2nd year at Hogwarts. This summer was the best so far out of all of them. We found out that Scorpius and Albus are both in Slytherin though they are twins we didn't really expect any different with how me and Harry are both Slytherin ourselves Harry told me the story of him asking the sorting had to place him into Gryffindor so really and truly he was a Slytherin in Gryffindor clothing haha who would of thought saint potter. Anyway Albus has recently Come out to us as gay he has no problem with being gay though he is just upset about what his friends (Rose, Eden) will think.

They are Gryffindor (Rose) Ravenclaw (Eden).

Albus has told us he has a crush who is in 5th year so two years older than him. He is also gay though and well he came over in the holidays and me and Harry totally agree he is crushing on Albus too so we have a ship name it is called "Alclen" because Albus and Declan sounds like such a cute couple names. Oh yh that is the boys name anyway Scorpius has a girlfriend currently all is in good favour because Scorpius looks like me so he is the next Malfoy akin and because Albus looks more like harry he is the next Potter Akin.

Scorpius' girlfriends name is "Scorvina" his girlfriend is called Davina. We are really good friends with her family she is a first year. Her dad is Theodore Knott and Luna Lovegood ha who would have thought anyway the boys came Into their inherited already even though they only 14. Scorpius is a Vampire he is Dominant like me and Albus is a werewolf but he is a submissive which we expected because he has more of Harry's genes. Of course Declan is a hybrid (vampire and werewolf) so he is over joyed with his mate. And Davina is a coyote which suits her for a submissive and she is very rare too so that works for me and Harry. We are a mixed family.
We have the

We are a very mixed family indeed but happy the way we are.

Smut here⚠️⚠️⚠️

Harry's POV:

2 hours later:
I'm in my heat. It is so painful it hurts so much. I am taking a warm bath to try and calm my body down since I have a fever and I am currently swapping temperatures.

Draco is at work collecting some things so he don't know about this yet but I suspect when he walks through they door she is going to have a very unexpected surprise. You see the only way to get rid of heat faster is to Well Umm have sex with you mate. Until it goes which can be for days or hours even my always last for days and it hurts when I am not being pleasured. I have to have some friction.
This bath isn't doing it for me.

I dried myself off and put some boxers on and one of Draco's large hoodie I needed something In my ass because it is tight and needs something to fill it so I put in a vibrator but my cock is still hurting so I am currently grinding on a pillow and riding it giving me some friction. I didn't even hear when the door opened downstairs over my moans.

Draco cake running In to the room.

"Babe what are you doing? Are you okay? Oh. Your in heat again. Want me to help you?" I heard him say

I was to busy moaning over my fantasy's of already imagining Draco under me while I ride him that all is could do is nod my head frantically to where I was surprised I didn't get whiplash.

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