Chapter five - His Inheritance. Pt1

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Draco's POV:
After the whole amazing and thrilling event of Harry agreeing to be my boyfriend we went down the attack stairs to my room and chilled for a while. Harry aparated to his godfather's house -
(Sirius and Remus are still alive. Tonks and Remus did date and had a child 'Teddy' before the war but Tonks sadly died and now Wolfstar is a thing and Remus asked Harry to be 'Teddy's older brother sort of thing)
- and got a muggle device called a Television which you watch video thingys called 'movies' on them but they are moving pictures telling a story as he described it. Honestly the things muggles create amazes yet scares me if they find out about the wizard inch world I bet they could figure out how to kill us in 72 hours.

During the movie me and Harry must have fell asleep because when I woke up it was 6:10 in the morning and I felt this soaring pain in my back and then all of a sudden gold strings started spreading down my arms and around my waist. When I touched my back in between my two shoulder blades I felt two hard studs (which felt like rough yet soft at the same time) bones growing from my back.

I fell off the bed onto the floor on my hands and knees and since I was in too much pain to walk to the bathroom I had to crawl. When I managed to find the balance and hold onto my side counter for support I looked into my full body length mirror and shrieked...

Harry's POV:
I jumped out of bed, reaching to try find my wand when I realized where I was. I woke up to this head splitting shriek from Draco's bathroom once I registered it was Draco screaming I ran into the bathroom.

There stood Draco! Only he looked different. He was taller, must be around at least 7,3 now, his hair was see through white, his muscles where more outlined and sculptured than the details on a wand and Merlin don't even get me started on how his face and certain angles is his feature had sharpened.

He looked devilishly handsome, (apart from screaming like a girl), his eyes were horror stricken and the color of them where a crystal colored blue and around them it faded into a light grey/silver color, With deep, pitch black Irises in the middle of his eyes.

He looked even more stunning than before that my mouth dropped.

Yet, after all these changes nothing even compared to the huge, strong, soft looking, pure white WINGS?! My brain had now fully processed the whole scene and once Draco noticed me he stopped screaming. And then his mother ran I to the room yelling

"DRACO, DRACO DEAR ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! I HEARD YOU SCREAMING! I RAN STRAIGHT HERE-" she stopped mid sentence after noticing his stance, features, wings etc then her eyes dropped and looked at me. Realization running obviously across her face along with a smirk.

"Oh I see... yh your perfectly fine." She then left and walked out the room with a know it all looked across her face. What did she know we didn't?

Draco's POV:
My mother left the room with a knowing look ok her face signaling she knew what had happened and didn't plan on sharing instead letting me do all the brain work myself.

When I heard my bedroom door close signaling my mother had left the room, my gaze shifted back to Harry.I took in everything about him, I realized my senses are heightened now. I can see clearer (i.e the way particles move every time something moves it like when Harry's breathing), my hearing is indescribably brilliant (I can still hear my mother on the other side of the house sleeping), touch (I can feel Harry's body heat even though I am 3 meters away from him, smell (I can smell everything in my room to the foods in my kitchen in the first floor. What amazes me the most is that when I took a deep breathe in this delicious fragrance hit me like a blow to my nose. It smelt absolutely mind blowing, it was like a drug to me, one interaction with it and all of a sudden I'm addicted. What shocked me though is the smell was nothing I smelt in 5th year when I did my potions class with Prof.Slughorn with amortia. NO! This was so much better. I smelt freshly cut grass, pine, rose-wood, and treacle tarts. It smelt explicite to my new senses that I just wanted to drown in it forever.

Then reality hit...

Harry's POV:
After, Draco's mum left I shifted awkwardly on one leg to the other, playing with my fingers as I sucked in my bottom lip. Lots of thoughts were going through my head.

What do I do? Should I ask him if he is alright? Do I go hit him? Should I take him back to bed? Does he even want comforting right now or to just be left alone?

When I went to go ask Draco if he was alright a sudden look came across his face which was on his mother's face as soon as she stepped Into the bathroom a few minutes ago.

The look of realization.

Hey guys it's me the author of this book. I am so sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger but I wanted to slice things up a little bit. I know I haven't spoken at all through any of my books if you have read any of them but I have a few words. Firstly, sorry for my absence of this chapter I know you have probably been waiting for a few month to read this but I am busy with my practice mocks exams for school and I have just hit half term so I can stay updating more now but I go back in the first of November so I am sorry if my updates take forever to be published. Second if thank you so much for voting on my chapters it means a lot. If you have any ideas for this book then please don't hesitate to either message me or comment at the end of each chapter. From now on I will be writing letting you know when the next update should be which hopefully I can arrange to have days where I update during the week.
Thank you again for everything you all mean a lot to me. Till the next chapter.

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