Chapter Three- The out-come

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Narrator's P.O.V:
Harry was taking a long while to answer, which was profoundly annoying Draco (A lot). When he went to ask Harry what was wrong and why he was taking so long to answer his question? Harry had opened his mouth deciding it was time to finally answer Draco's question.

Yet, all of a sudden a huge word sickness come over Harry and he just blurted his words out without even thinking it but in a really low whisper so that you wouldn't even know he was talking unless you has super sensitive hearing or where looking for words to leave his mouth.

Draco's P.O.V:

"I'm Gay!"

Did I hear correctly?

"I-I'm sorry. D-did I hear what I think I heard?" I had to ask again just to make sure I wasn't dreaming and needed to wake up very soon.

"Yes. You did. Happy now? You can go tell the whole wizarding world and if that isn't enough you can go tell the whole Muggle world for all I care, that Harry Potter is Gay!" He visibly had tears in his eyes.

"Woah, Woah, Woah Haz. You think I want to go tell the whole everyone about it?" I sckeptically asked him.

"Of course. Who wouldn't want to go and tell local reporters and the Daily Prophet that the chosen one is gay or even that a boy in London is identified as gay? I mean everyone and literally anyone would. What makes you any different?" He accused.

This news broke my heart. I grabbed Harry's hand and did a wandless apparition spell to Malfoy Manor into my bedroom attack. "This is were I kept all my secrets and not even my mother or father knew and still don't know about it. Even though this is their house." I told Harry proudly with my signature smirk.

"Wow-" exclaimed Hazza "-This is so cool." I looked over to Harry, he looked almost thoughtful for a minute. Like he had a question he wanted to ask me. But felt like if he did then he would be a burden to me. Not like he could ever do that not even if he did so much as to try burden me. Finally I spoke up

"What's up Haz?" 1. I like that name 2. it makes him blush and 3. I guess it has kind of stuck with me since I started using it. My favourite names for him are Haz, Hazza and Saint Potter

"Since you have nicknames for me can I have some for you, please?" Harry asked me with big, pleading, shiny, emerald eyes.

"Y-Yeah, if you want." His face lightened up like a Christmas tree.

"Oh yes. I have the perfect ones. I kind of like the names 1. Dray 2. Dragon and 3. Blondie 1 being my favourite of course i think Dray suits you perfectly." Harry started blabbering away to which I laughed

"Okay, okay. Hazza-" I managed to saying between laughs. "- you've managed to come up with a lot of nicknames and I love them all but, I brought you here because you think or thought I want to tell the whole wizarding world about you-" I paused for s short moment. I look into Hazza's eyes and saw the tears forming. I pulled him in to a hug; my chin resting upon his messy, untangable, raven hair while I also rubbed comforting circles on his back and let him cry into my chest since I am 6'7 and he is 5'2.

"Why would you think that Haz?" I asked noticing after the words had left my mouth that they were laced with concern. First time I have shown emotion in a long time, Merlin I hate how he has that affect on me sometimes.

"W-well I told Hermione that I am gay; a week and half ago-" He paused most probably at the thought of the memory. "And then what?" I pushed

"And she said she was fine with it. She wanted to know how Ginny took it. I have just recently noticed she has had a thing for me for a few years now. She keeps asking me out on dates, To which I reply with 'I'm busy' or a I have plans'. She is like a sister to me. I can't upset her, you know? Anyway, she insisted I tell Ronald and Ginny as soon as possible and to stop leading Ginny on it isn't nice-"

He paused ago but after a few short seconds he continued "I said to her and I quote 'It isn't my fault she can't take a hint whenever I turn her date offers down.' Then after that Ron immediately busted through the door with a crying Ginny behind him calling me homophobic names and then h-he uh um h-he kicked m-me out the h-house."

Harry started crying. I hugged him tightly and soothingly.

Hey, hey, hey now. Want to know my deep secret?"

I asked Harry hoping deeply to cheer him up

"Mhm, sure." He nodded his head into my chest just above the centre of my adome. He felt warm, like he belonged there his body was carved to fit with mine.

"I'm gay too. In fact I am so gay for a certain messy, raven haired, emerald, green eyes, round glasses nerd who is also silly, handsome and a cute boy over the years I have called scar head but everyone else formally knows him as Harry James Potter.-" I took a deep breathe before letting it out and finishing off my confession

"Saviour of the wizarding and Muggles world. Ever since first year he rejected my friendship but the more we grew I hated him until that hate turned into an obsession to when I hit my third year and Mr Potter went to the Triwizard tournament his life was in danger and I was scared for him. That was when I realised I had fallen in love with the boy. Who I now proudly hold in my arms." I smiled sincerely for the first time in years

My saviour all the time. (Drarry romance)Where stories live. Discover now