Chapter Seven - The Explaining

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Harry's POV:
"What do you want to know?" Draco asked me.

"Everything" I simply said

"Well what do you already know about Veelas?"

"Well I know they have mates, large wings that come out when they are angry or sense any threats because it protects them-"

I paused thinking of what else I removed from the studies through school and what I have picked up from Hermione when she no doubt shared with me and Ron all the knowledge she had learnt

"- they have very advanced magic. They are commonly viewed as girls but you can also get men but they are extremely rare. And that is all." I told Draco.

He hummed in reply. The sound he makes and vibrations I feel on my cheek make a pleasurable shiver travel down my spine.

"Veela mates are usually witches since Veela are mainly female; however, if a Veela is a male then their mate is usually a neko or phoenix-" Draco started

"Wait so your saying that Veela males are usually gay?" I interrupted, once you realised I gave a guilty smile "sorry for interrupting." I added

"It's alright love, your only curious. Yes I am saying that they are usually male mates. You see Veela are quite dominant creatures so if a male had a girl they wouldn't be all that I don't know it is hard to explain but they just don't have as much hold on them as they would a submissive male. Female Veela usually go with girls as well because it isn't really their nature for a girl to be more powerful than their male mate so normally yes they have the same genre mate." Draco responds with a little smirk towards the end like he knew something else

"What about their reproduction of Veela species though? You need male and female genetics to make a baby so how would that work out?" I questioned. I could tell he was waiting for this question but his face held a look that made me shiver and shrink back into his chest. That face turned me on a little bit going to lie.

"Well, baby boy, like I said with a male they are submissive to the more dominant so a Neko would normally fall pregnant and give birth like a cat would where you give them a c-section.
Though turn tables when it comes to a submissive male pheonix then the male stays a male physical features, mentally and emotionally
however travel down south and that is the only thing that changes because they end up having female organs to give babies exactly like a female would." He paused waiting for this news to settle in my brain.

When I took it in I gasped. Wait so males can become pregnant. Ha. I feel sorry for Draco's mate. Since I'm not a bell or phoenix i can't be his mate. NO NO NO I CANT BE HIS MATE. I have this feeling that just kills me in the inside like as if someone stabbed me in the stomach and is twisting it. Me and Draco have to break up so he can find his mate.
Without thinking I open my mouth and ask the question that is liking me inside.

"W-who is y-your mate D-dra-Draco?"

This question must have shook Draco because his face fell momentarily and he looked at me with sadness in his eyes but then it changed as if he remembered something instantly.

"In order to know your mate you have to pass your 18th birthday and give direct eye contact with them. Even if you  have already seen them before your 18th birthday you have to see them again. Then this voice in the back is your head which would be my Veela growls out "mate is-" then says their name. I've already seen my mate." He says pointedly

"B-but you'be only see me and your mum?" I state matter-of-factly proud of my knowledge.

"Mate is Harry Potter"

These words make my tummy do flips and I never thought I would ever use the words 'I got butterflies' but I truly did."

He kisses me. All things Never said put into this kiss.

The emotions: love, recklessness, passion, hope.

Then he breaks it and the words that follow out his mouth left my heart to race at an inhumanly rate...

"Now all you need to do is either accept me and we live our lives, or reject me and I die a painful death in the next 24 hours."

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, I promise to spend every moment of forever with you, I accept you as my mate!"

I say, breathless as I look into his moon lit eyes

"Fuck, Harry; your to innocent and pure for someone like me. That just makes me love you even more."

He states. And all I see in his eyes is want, desire, need and lastly lust.

Hey guys that is another chapter uploaded for you to read thank you for all the votes don't forget ti comment any ideas. Next chapter might contain some Smut or Harry's inheritance haven't decided yet but either way hope you enjoy and can't wait for the next chapter

Love you all ❤️❤️❤️ byeeee
Roxy signing off

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