Chapter eight - his inheritance pt 2

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Harry P.o.v

It was 11:30 at night during the summer holidays. Draco was sound asleep lying underneath me with his Veela wings wrapped around us.

I was lying on his naked chest in my boxers and massive Grey hoodie with a few dark blue arrows on them when all of a sudden I feel this pain in my head and my lower back area just above my ass crack.

It hurt so much I couldn't stop the blood curdling scream that left passed my lips.

Draco's P.O.V

I woke up to Harry screaming that made my body go rigid. All of a sudden this light transforms on his head and a circle around his waist leading down to his ankle. What is happening? I thought

"Haz, what is wrong? Talk to me are you ok?" I worriedly ask him

"Make it stop, p-please it hurts t-to m-much. DRAA-YYYYYYYYYY!" He whispered yet when my name left his lips it turned into another scream until all of a sudden it was dead silent.

"Hazza?" I asked
"Haz!" I panicked
HARRY?!" I yelled

"Mother, help!" I yelped hoping my mother could hear me and she would know what to do

She rushed in a frantic sprint lots of questions leaving her mouth.

"What is it? Is he ok! I heard him scream! What happened! Where is harry! Draco?" She was terrified for him as am I

"Mum is he alive?" I asked in a hushed whisper that I don't Ben know if my voice even left my mouth and I hadn't just mouthed it.

She felt for a pulse. And signed relief 😮‍💨 leaving her body. He's ok. It seems he is just going through an inheritance. But what let me find out I need my wand.

She grabbed my wand and summons hers through the accio spell

Once she was done on her searching she turned to me

" he's going to be ok dragon he is just going through his neko inheritance like I guessed. He should wake up in the next 5 hours in time for breakfast I imagine he will be very hungry after this mentally, physically and emotional event. Try get some sleep he will need your energy to help him later.

She left the room with me pondering on how to help my poor sweet baby boy once he wakes up.

Hey guys I know I said I would update  yesterday or today but I have been busy so sorry it is up this late but at least I updated Aha anyway I don't know where I am going with this book so I don't know if I should keep finishing it or just discontinue it and let someone else do it if you do want me to carry Ik just let me know in the comments or if you want it to discontinue so I can start my other books that wood be greatly appreciate from me aha  thanks guys love you all so much don't forget to vote on my book please and leave down any ideas you have for this book

Love you bye Roxxi❤️

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