Chapter Two- The conversation

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Narrator's P.O.V:

It has been two minutes since Draco has come to sit next to Harry on the bus. Harry has his headphones in watching a movie Draco swears is called 'The Twilight Saga' (all muggles are watching it now after reading the books) still no idea what a 'saga' is though? Whatever.

Harry's P.O.V:

I am currently on my phone (that Dudley brought me late x-mas present) and am watching the first movie of a saga called 'Twilight' literally the saga's name and the movies name haha. It is a movie based on 4 books and a 7th one has just come out but that is from Edward's point of view the rest are from Bella's. I was about to watch the part were the vampire (Edward) is going to introduce the human girlfriend of his (Bella) to the other vampires (The Cullens his family who all only drink animal blood).

When Draco clears his throat and opens his mouth to clearly talk. I un-plug my headphones out of my ears (obviously after pausing my movie so I don't miss anything)and give him my attention.

"Hey Ha-Potter." He starts but doesn't finish

"You can call me Harry." I offered

"oh um thanks. You can call me Draco. I was going to ask how are you?" Draco asked me

"Oh yeah I'm fine thanks. And you?" I asked clearly pulling Draco from his reverie 

"Um yes I am okay I guess thank you, Harry." Draco answered clearly confused of his own words.

Awkward silence filled us both for a few minutes until I brought up the courage and broke it "Look Malfoy-ugh-um-Draco I mean. I'm just going to spit it out. The war is over, me and you don't have to hate each other anymore can't we just come up with a way to become friends?" To say the least Draco just started dumb founded at my hand. Obviously, considering if he should accept the offer or not. Surprisingly for me he he took my had and shook it while speaking and blushing heavily

"Yes, I'd love that very much." 

Whilst we both took our hands back with my sudden dying urge over the years for physical touch with Draco.

Draco's P.O.V:

OH MY HOLY MERLIN! I mentally shouted in my head. Harry FRICKIN' Potter just offered me his hand. MINE! Draco Lucius Malfoy's. His seven year old bully. HE OFFERED ME HIS HAND!

Harry's P.O.V:

OH MY MERLIN'S BEARD! Draco BLOODY Malfoy just shook my hand. Me! Harry James Potter. His seven years arch enemy. HE SHOOK MY HAND!

Narrator's P.O.V:

Both boys were obviously very flustered within them few 10 seconds of wanted physical touch. Draco spoke up (Again). "So Harry where is um Granger and red head?" Harry answered fast but with a sad tone "You mean Hermione and Ronald-" As he spoke he expressed each name "-they are busy this year. Since Fred is in a coma; Ronald is helping George run the 'Weasley's Wizard Wheezes' and Hermione is now Minister of Magic." announced Harry joy clear in his words for his friends but sadness leaped through just as much to the ears of Draco. Harry finished off his nodding to himself sadly but happy with the quiet he will gain this year.

"Oh so your alone for eighth year then?" asked Draco as non-rudely as he could "Yeah, I'm not that happy about it though to be honest but then again I'm not that sad too you know. To figure out my life and what I am." Harry spoke up half not realising what he said until it came out. "What do you mean by what you are?" Draco asked.

Harry's P.O.V:

Oh no. This is it. This is were I tell him I am gay and he laughs at me and tells the whole wizarding world. I can just imagine it. Front page news 'Chosen One Is Gay' or 'Harry Potter Rumoured to be Gay' or even 'News from youngest Malfoy That Harry Potter has told him he is Gay' and worse of it 'Wizarding worlds most youngest and famous role model Saint Potter, The chosen one, Our Saviour and Harry Potter is now known to be Gay'.

 I knew I am an abomination to our world I knew I would never fit in anywhere EVER! I will be the laughing stock of the year it might even make it to the Muggle/Human world. Boy from London called Harry Potter is gay all on local news whether that be in newspapers or on TV news channels.  

Oh boy. But. But I mean. I feel a little bit of hope for myself. And even just a little bit of hope can cause a massive change in the outcome right? In the little hope I have can change the results I am most likely to get without hope. 

That's what Dumbledore would say right? what was that saying he told me once? Oh right I remember it now it goes..."It is the unknown we fear when we look upon DEATH and Darkness Nothing More." That means this little hope I feel inside of me must mean something right?"

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