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✴Narrator’s POV✴

‘Ah… So satisfying to watch my brats work while I do nothing but drink booze!’ Makarov thought with a wide smile as he slammed the cup of booze on the wood next to him, making some droplets of the liquor escape from the cup.

He glanced around, observing how everything was progressing. The old man let out a sigh, ‘Must be the fifteenth time we have to rebuild the guild.’. So much jewels spent for nothing.

The saint wizard decided to think about something else instead of sulk over the materials. He was now paying more attention to his brats.

His gaze fell upon Gray and Juvia first.

The raven haired boy was trying to fix a wall while the rain-woman was fangirling next to him. A softer smile appeared on Master’s face, ‘Gray is such a tsundere.’ he thought with an amused eye roll.

The family Strauss were the next to be observed. As usual, Elfman was yelling about how manly it was to help others while the two sisters, Mirajane and Lisanna, giggled next to him.

Then we could see a bit further from the Strauss family, Erza and Wendy. The scarlet haired girl patted the shorter girl’s head while she grabbed what Wendy was carrying. “Erza-san! I can carry these alone!” Wendy pouted, Erza chuckling next to her.

Makarov warmly smiled at the scene but his attention quickly turned to two persons in particular, pink and yellow in the corner of his peripheral view.

"Fight me! Fight me!" The dragon slayer begged as he tried to get Lucy's attention. 

The blonde girl felt herself growing more annoyed by the second as it was already the tenth time he asked for a fight. She thought about voicing her thoughts out loud and just  telling him to get lost but she retained herself, knowing that Makarov was watching them.

She wasn't good at communicating with others, often coming off as rude even when she doesn't want to. Her lack of communication with people was the reason for that, and it doesn't help that she grows rapidly irritated. 

Natsu was continuously bugging her and she soon lost her patience. 

"No, I do not want to fight with you. I don't even want to be here in the first place so, please, let me be before you regret it." She shot him a glare before turning her attention back to working.

The salmon haired boy stared at her for a few seconds in silence. 

Lucy almost let out a sigh of relief, thinking he finally gave up.

"I'll stop on one condition!" Natsu smirked.

She felt her eyes twitch with annoyance. Sadly for her he didn't quite give up but she'd hear his proposition if it meant peace. "What is it." She glanced at him.

Natsu wrapped an arm around her shoulders and leaned against her, earning an irritated look from Lucy.

"Join the guild!" He exclaimed, not noticing her uneasiness from the physical contact.

Lucy blinked.

"No." Was her only answer. 

Natsu pouted, "Come on! Please!!!" he even tried to do a puppy face.

The blonde girl didn't give in.

Makarov listened to their conversation and quickly grew interested in the thought of having Lucy in his guild. 

Not only would she be a valuable asset but he also cared a lot for her despite not seeing her often recently. They were quite close when she was younger but with time she only grew colder from all the tests, training and lack of communication with the outside world. This saddens him because it also meant she didn't have real friends. 

If he somehow got her to join the guild, maybe she'll finally learn to be happy and have people to count on. 

The guild master cleared his throat as he walked closer to Natsu and Lucy, gaining their attention. 

"I actually think it would be a great idea if you join our guild, Lucy." He said, looking up at her.

"See! Even Gramps agrees!" Natsu beamed, his arm still around her shoulders. 

Lucy looked at Makarov with slightly widened eyes, not expecting him to join in.

Makarov closed his eyes as he held his hands behind his back. "I know you are not into being close to people, but it wouldn't hurt to just try something new, don't you think?" He opened his eyes at the end of his sentence with a smile.

Lucy felt herself hesitating as she was about to decline the offer again but the guild master continued speaking. 

"Plus, I know how much you like to take missions, here you can take as many as you want without limitations." Makarov tried to convince her.

"I also think it'd be great for her to join, it would be a pity if her strength was left unnoticed. You are very strong Lucy, you should put it to good use." Erza joined in after overhearing the conversation. 

By now, most of the guild members were agreeing and listening. 

Even Wendy added herself, "W-without you Lucy-san, the fight would have been more damaging."

"Yeah! Join us Lucy!"

"She's so hot too!"


"And strong!"

"It would be great to have a new member in our family!"

Lucy felt herself blush from all the attention and praise, embarrassed as she wasn't used to it. She even forgot the presence of Natsu's arm on her.

With a defeated sigh, she gave in.

"Fine… I'll join."


A/N: Hey guys! It's been a long while, hasn't it?

Sorry for the lack of updates, I had a lot of stuff going on like school, final exams, and some problems which gave me a lack of motivation.

I'm in summer break but the updates will still not be consistent, sorry!! >~< I'll still try to update since I still think about all of you but I cannot predict when the next chapter will be out.

Thanks for those who are still reading this story despite the lack of updates♡♡♡


-xoxo, Ashy_Doki

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