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✴Narrator's POV✴

Finally, they began fighting seriously, though, Lucy still didn't use any form of her magic. She didn't want to reveal nor use her lost magic, so she decided to use her celestial one instead but she'd still prefer to not use too much magic either.

She had twelve opponents, which would normally be a disadvantage for any normal mage, but Lucy was far from being a simple and normal mage. Though, it did not mean she was in advantage too.

The girl could easily end the fight right there and right now with a snap of her fingers, but there were too many people watching, something she did not like.

Lucy sighed, she had no other choice but to use something that won't attract too much attention for when she'll be done with the fight.

A faint smirk suddenly tugged on her lips. Huh. Maybe she could actually enjoy herself in a fight this time?

"What's with that smirk? Did you finally decide to fight us instead of dodging like a coward?" One of the three men that were cornering Wendy earlier, named Eiichi, spoke up as he raised an eyebrow. The two other men, Eiji and Eito laughed next to him.

Becky also had a thing to say, "Pfft! She prob' decided ta' give up!" the small girl obnoxiously laughed, making some less serious enemies also laugh with her while the more serious ones simply smirked.

Lucy ignored their comments for now even if they annoyed her. She got into a fighting stance, slightly digging her feet into the ground by doing so. "Actually, far from it." The blonde girl finally acknowledged the black haired girl's rude comment. Becky stopped laughing and glared at her, "Then why don't 'cha show us what ya' can do?" she snarled.

This time it was Lucy who slightly laughed, "Trust me, you wouldn't want to see my true potential." she said, a certain memory making her smirk slightly falter but it wasn't the time to think about her past, she had to focus on the present.

Becky rolled her eyes, "How nice of ya' to not wanna disappoint us." she sarcasmly replied, playing with a grenade with one hand.

The cloaked girl didn't respond and simply held an arm out, confusing most of the people there, wondering what she was doing.

"Starry Nights Weapon! Aquarius!"

(Drawing from my previous fic, 'Celestial Training', please do not use

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(Drawing from my previous fic, 'Celestial Training', please do not use.)

Everyone's eyes widened as they saw a golden trident appearing in Lucy's hand.

Huh, so she did have magic.

"It's not with a simple trident toy you'll defeat us!" Hayate, another girl from the Despaired Nights exclaimed, narrowing her eyebrows at Lucy.

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