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✴Narrator's POV✴

The hooded girl blankly stared at the destroyed wooden building as some Council Guards were taking the dark guild members in their big magic mobiles.

Lahar, one of the high-ranked Council associate's, walked toward her with a firm expression on his face.

"You did a great job at finding them and all, but I think you went a little bit too hard on this guild's master and building, Lucy." Lahar said with a monotone voice, obviously used to this kind of situation, apparently.

The girl, who's name was obviously Lucy, didn't even bother to look at Lahar, not like he could even see her face under the shadow of her hood.

"Whatever, just take the master's guild to a psychologist and collect the wood of the building or something. It's no big deal." Lucy simply said in a bored manner as she waved a hand as a sign of 'whatever'.

Lahar sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest, he wanted to scold her for her lack of interest in things but he knew better than anger her.

"Alright, you can go back to the Council to get your reward, have a good day, Lucy." Lahar slightly bowed before walking away to take care of Lucy's mess.

Lucy finally glanced at him before just walking away, not bothering to help. 'I'll just mess up everything if I try to help, so I'll simply consider my non-helpful gesture as a helpful gesture.' She thought, a small smile tugging on the corner of her lips.


She walked into one of the private Council's hallways, the one where only the high ranked people could use.

She was headed to the Chairman's office to claim her award and ask for another mission. If she wanted to, she could've used the public hallway but it was faster to go to his office by using this precise way, plus, there was rarely anybody to bother her, if you didn't count the clueless guards that didn't know who she was..

Lucy felt something tug on her magic energy, she stopped walking.

"Hey princess, missed me?" Someone said behind her.

She sighed as she turned around, "Loke, what do you want?" she asked, not surprised of his unexpected visit.

"Just saw you were lonely and could use some company!" The Loke guy replied with a smirk as he adjusted his tie.

"I'd prefer to be alone than be with you." Lucy blankly said.

"Ouch, that did hurt my feelings, Princess!" Loke dramatically said before clearing his throat and speak with a more serious tone, "You know, you should really try to make some friends..".

"Oh no... not that talk again..." Lucy muttered under her breath with a sigh.

"Come on, don't be such a pessimist!" Loke whined, "And stop hiding your beautiful face with this stupid hood.." he added as he took off her hood, revealing her unamused face.

"So, first of all, I wasn't being a pessimist, and second, I do whatever I want with my clothes and face." She said as she crossed her arms.

"Yeah right, you were totally happy some seconds ago.." Loke rolled his eyes with a sarcastic tone.

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