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✴Narrator's POV✴

~"Hey! There's a kid in there!"

Lucy stared at the trains window with a blank look on her face.

"Hello little one, are you the one who caused all of this?"

A small frown appeared on her face as she felt her fists tightening.


"We've arrived in Magnolia, if this is your stop, please exit the train and don't forget any luggage." Lucy shook her head as she got up from her seat, with a sigh, she began walking out of the train.

Once she exited the train, she looked around, her face still showing no emotion. She wasn't sure why she came in Magnolia, she was certain she'll probably somehow meet the idiot from Hargeon in here since he was in Fairy Tail but that didn't discouraged her from visiting this town.

The blonde haired girl looked up at the sky, slightly squinting her eyes at sun. She guessed it must be around the afternoon, probably 2PM.

Lucy looked back in front of her and began walking, noticing she was attracting unwanted attention from the strangers just by standing there with a cloak and hood on. 'I should probably get something to eat.' She thought, realizing she didn't eat anything since yesterday.

With a hint of curiosity, she glanced around her as she walked deeper into the town. Her stares were mostly directed to the food stands as she thought about what stuff she could eat.

She stopped in front of a fruit stand. Lucy didn't really felt like eating something heavy and thought some fruits would do perfectly fine for today. You would think that wasn't healthy but she could simply be fed with the sunlight and moonlight as well as the stars light.

"Hello, I'd like a bag of apples." The cloaked girl said, making the stands owner look at her and nod with a small smile on their face as they put some apples in a bag, handing it to her. "That would be five Jewels please." The stand owner said.

Lucy gave the five Jewels as she grabbed the bag from the stands owner who thanked the girl for buying something from their stand. As she continued making her way deeper into the lovely town, she grabbed an apple from the bag and took a bite out of it.

She quietly sighed at the taste of the fruit, finding it pretty juicy and a bit sour. It didn't taste bad, it was even pretty good despite the slight sour taste of the apple, but it was definitely not the best she ate. Lucy preferred sweet stuff, but that didn't mean she had a sweet tooth, it was just a preference even if she barely ate any sweets.

The cloaked girl boredly ate her apples as she smoothly walked between the strangers passing by like a ghost. She often got lost in her thoughts by thinking what her life would be like if she never had the power she had. Some may think her powers were a blessing from the heavens, but for Lucy it was like a curse cast upon her.

Most stuff was boring for her, most fights weren't even a challenge for her. Her life felt dull and lonely, the only things she'd die for were her celestial spirits. Oh, she loved them so much. They were her only friends that'd always be there for her.

A faint smile crept its way on Lucy's face as she thought about her loyal spirits. She threw the remaining uneatable part of the apple in a trash bin before taking another apple as she decided to head to the nearby forest.

The blonde haired girl had the habit of sleeping under the stars. It was always easier for her to fall asleep when staring at the twinkling stars, certainly because they were related to her lost magic. She knew it was too early to go to sleep but she guessed by the time she found a good sleeping spot, it'd already be sunset and would probably use some time to make a contract with the new key she bought earlier today.

She walked into the forest, not following the path to get to somewhere where nobody would be. Lucy took out the last apple from the bag, eating it on her way in the forest. The powerful mage didn't really know where she was going to, but she felt like there was something telling her to go that way.

The cloaked mage stopped walking when she felt the presence of some people nearby. She was about to walk away but something felt off.. Lucy got closer to the presences and hid behind a tree as she took another bite of her apple, taking a glance at the suspicious small group of mages.

"Do you guys understand the plan for tomorrow?" An authoritarian voice asked, the tone in his voice obviously meant he wouldn't take 'no' as an answer.

"Yes master!" The rest of the group exclaimed, some being confident with their answer and some a little bit more anxious than the others.

The owner of the authoritarian voice smirked and nodded, satisfied with their answers. "Great..." He muttered to himself, "The most powerful mages of our guild already know the plan, do not disappoint me." he declared, squinting his eyes at his members.

Lucy heard some mages gulp. She knew it was bad to eavesdrop but she was still curious about what it was all about. They didn't have a good aura around them, so she figured their plan was obviously evil and they were most certainly dark mages or something along these lines.

"After all those months of training, we'll finally crush those little fairies, making the job easier for when she'll come... We'll get everyone to bow down under the name of Despaired Nights!" The guild master exclaimed with a quiet laugh as some of the members also began laughing and cheering for the rise of their guild.

Lucy was blankly staring at them, already finished with her apple by the time they all began laughing like crazy people. 'Why the hell are villains always so... ugh.' She thought as she rolled her eyes, thinking whoever thought about this was unoriginal and should take writing classes.

'Whatever, this is none of my business.' The blonde haired girl thought with a shrug as she began walking away, not really caring about what trouble they might be causing. She knew Fairy Tail was strong and they also had Makarov with them, so she decided to simply get back to her business as she walked deeper into the forest, leaving the small group of mages alone.

~Well, it seemed like destiny chose otherwise.~


A/N: Hello guys! I don't really have much to say besides thank you for reading the chapter. 

Don't forget to vote and comment, it's always fun to read your reactions to certain parts of my story! <3

Love you guys!♥

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