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✴Narrator's POV✴

There was now a long and awkward silence as everyone turned their attention to the cloaked girl, even the still conscious Fairy Tail members were looking at her.

They first thought she was some sort of back-up for the enemies, but that theory was quickly dismissed when Phantom yelled, "Who the fuck is she? Akio wasn't supposed to let anyone in!". Maybe members shrugged.

Natsu squinted his eyes as he looked at the new person before recognizing her, 'Hey! She's the girl from Hargeon!' he thought.

Lucy grimaced even more as she felt all the stares directed to her.

Phantom frowned as he saw blonde strands of hair. He briefly glanced around the destroyed place before something clicked in his mind. "She's probably the blondie our leader was talking about..." He thought out loud.

Erza saw the opportunity to attack him as he was distracted. She quickly summoned a large amount of swords and directed them at the dark guild master.

Unfortunately for her, he created a dark shield to protect himself.

He looked at his guild members through his shield, "Let's finish this quickly! Airi, Seia! Are you both done with the spell?!" he yelled as he pressed a hand against the shield, a magic circle appearing as all his members besides the twins were now protected by the same shield as Phantom.

The two twins nodded, "Mhm, we're ready." they replied in sync, their voice almost robotic.

Gray and Juvia shared an anxious glance, "Juvia thinks their spell will not be only directed to Gray-sama and Juvia.." the blue haired girl gulped.

Suddenly, a huge magic circle started to expand all over the fighting area, red light emanating from it.

"Fuck!" Gray blurted out as he tried to protect Juvia and himself with an ice shield but it was too late.

The light became blinding for some seconds, but when it finally calmed down, every Fairy Tail member was chained up on the ground, still conscious. "HEY WHAT THE HELL??!" Natsu yelled, trying to burn off the magic restraints.

The twins fainted from exhaustion.

Phantom did a finger snap, making all of his shields disappear. "Huh. Looks like you were smart enough to also shield yourself in time." He said as he turned to the blonde haired girl.

"Actually I didn't even need to summon a shield, your spell was shit." Lucy sassed with an eye roll, making many of them growl at her, clearly not amused by her rude attitude with them.

Phantom squinted his eyes at her, "Well, you are a sassy one, aren't you." he snarled as he walked a bit closer towards the blonde haired girl.

She hummed, "Hm, no. I'm just moody." she shrugged, talking normally as if everyone wasn't looking at her while she was standing in the middle of a fight, talking with the bad guys. "If you don't mind, I'd like to keep our fight short, so you either be smart and go away without any intention of coming back, or.. you can simply be a dumbass and try me." Lucy droned.

The tall man chuckled, "You are in no position of talking, you're one against twelve. So, YOU either be wise and leave us to our business or YOU be the shit-for-brains and die." he retorted.

The cloaked mage blinked, "Do you really think I wanted to be here in the first place? Sorry to break it to you, but you're not worth my time." she said with a frown. The wind became stronger, making her hood slip off, revealing her head and annoyed face.

The twelve still conscious enemies gathered around the girl, not caring about the other Fairy Tail members since they were all magically chained, the only thing they were able to do was watching them.

"What is happening..?" Erza asked out loud, not expecting anyone to answer since it was mostly to herself.

All the people that were watching were getting anxious for Lucy even if they didn't know who she was. They couldn't sense any magic energy emanating from her, they all thought she was going to lose as she didn't know who she would be fighting against. Everybody but Natsu thought that. For some reason, even if he only saw her knocking a guy out with only her fist and never saw her perform magic, he still somewhat believed in her.

"WOOHOO!!! KICK THEIR ASSES, GIRL THAT I DON'T KNOW THE NAME OF!!!" The fire dragon slayer cheered.

Lucy grimaced as she rolled her eyes after recognizing the voice of that same guy from some days ago.

Becky laughed, "Ahah! Looks like ya' already have a fan! And not a bright one that is!".

"HEY THAT'S NOT NICE!" Natsu yelled as he pouted.

"Oh my mavis, why are you still so dumb in those types of situations!?" Gray mumbled.

The salmon haired boy glared at the half naked man, "WHAT DID YOU SAY, SNOWMAN?!".






Their argument was cut off by the sound of people fighting.

The two turned their attention to the fight in front of them, their eyes slightly widening as they watched Lucy dodging the opponents' attacks without batting an eye.

"Aw man. Because of you I missed the start!" Natsu groaned.

"Oh shut up fire-for-brains! It's your fault!" Gray replied with an annoyed tone.

"No it's not! It's yours!"



Phantom waved his hand towards them, silencing the two with a spell.

Lucy sighed in relief, "Oh stars, thank you for shutting them up.".

"Ugh yeah, you're welcome. I think I would've snapped soon if they continued." The tall man replied as he shook his head.

"Pfft, I know right? Can't they just let us fight in peace?" The blondie rolled her eyes.

"I'm glad we're on the same page, they were being extremely loud." Phantom said, nodding with his arms crossed.

Lucy agreed before looking around, "Mhm, so.... Where were we in the fight?" she asked, remembering they still had to finish their duel.

The dark haired man also remembered, "Hm, I think you were dodging our spells." he answered after thinking a bit about it.

"Oh right!" She exclaimed before dodging another one of their attacks after they finally decided to continue.

Everybody let out a relieved sigh.


A/N: Hey guys, sorry I kinda rushed the end of the chapter 'cuz I was at someone's house for 5 days and had no more drafts for the chapter, which meant I had to finish writing the chapter yesterday for today.  I'll try making the next chapter more interesting and less rushed but I still have another fic to work on on another site about another ship. 

Anyway, I'll see you on Monday!

 LOVE YOU GUYS!!! <3<3<3

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