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✴Narrator's POV✴

Natsu gritted his teeth as he lit his fist on fire, glaring at the dark guilds master who was simply smirking at them. "Well, I'll give you a taste of my fist!" he exclaimed, but as he was about to dash towards the tall man, Erza stopped him, her gaze still on the mysterious man.

The salmon haired boy looked at his friend with a confused look on his face. "Let's not be reckless." Erza simply answered, making Natsu sigh as he knew he couldn't defy her. It was just not the time for his childishness.

Meanwhile, in the back of the guild, Warren was trying to contact Makarov, their guild master, who was in a Council meeting. Those damn bastards knew he would be away, didn't they?

The scarlet girl tried to keep her calm, knowing their master wasn't there, which meant she had to take responsibility of the guild for now. She bit her lip as she thought, 'What would the master do if he was there..?'. He'd probably try to talk this out, right?

She took another step, keeping her head high as she spoke up, "May I know why you are trying to attack us?".

The dark guilds master rolled his eyes, it was pathetic. Trying to resolve the fight that hasn't started yet by talking? What was she thinking? Did she think everything could be solved by talking and with the 'power of friendship'? Pfft, they really were hopeless.

Yet, the dark brown haired man still answered, "Your little guild has caused lots of trouble to our leader in the past, and so, we'll make sure you aren't a problem anymore." he hissed, looking down at her, his eyes full of hatred.

Many Fairy Tail members were confused. They had never heard of whatever 'Despaired Nights' was, so how were they a problem to them? It simply made no sense!

Erza frowned as she took another step, "I'm sure we could talk this out. Who's your leader? Are you sure you're not mistaking us for another guild?" she asked, trying to calmly solve the problem.

Natsu was getting impatient, he was itching for a fight. But he knew he was going to get beaten up by Erza if he tried anything reckless.

He shared a glance with Gray, both knowing they wanted to fight, but they thought it was better to let Erza deal with them first. Or was it?

No one answered to the armored girl's question, leaving them in an awkward silence.

"..I said we could t-"

Erza was sent flying into a wall.

"ERZA!" Many persons yelled her name as they tensed up, knowing it definitely wasn't going to end well.

"Yeah, yeah, we heard. Like, totally heard. But, we, like, don't care? Like, whatever." A short black haired girl said as she walked besides her guild master, cocking her hips forward as she chew on chewing-gum.

A dark aura formed around Erza as she slowly got up from the ground, a shadow cast over her eyes as she clenched her fists. "That's it. You asked for it!" She exclaimed as she requiped into an armor.

Many others were also ready to fight by now. The tall man simply glanced at his members with a grin, glad the fight was finally going to get started.

"Finally! I was getting bored!" Natsu exclaimed as he rolled his shoulders, his fist still on fire.

"I bet I can beat more of them than you can!" Gray chuckled as he mindlessly threw his shirt to the side. A 'I believe in you Gray-sama!' could be heard from a corner of the guild.

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