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Read A/N at the end please (:


Lucy’s POV

My eyes scanned the inside of my newly bought appartement. It felt kind of weird having a real new place to stay and not going to some inn or the room I had at Crocus in the building of the Council. Heck, I'm even more used to sleeping under the stars. 

Although it felt weird, I can't help but like the cozy feeling I get from being here. It's not too big nor too small. The shades are mostly pink, orange and brown. Honestly, I don’t know if I could get used to this but for now it'll do. I have everything I need, a kitchen, a bedroom with a desk, a bathroom…

Now that I bought this appartement, I can't help but wonder 'what next?'. 

I mean, really, what am I supposed to do now? 

From now on, my routine will be completely different. I have a guild to go to, even if I won't stay long in there I have to at least take a few jobs to occupy myself. I have… well I just have a guild to go to and more missions to do.

That's… it. Yeah. 

That's weird, I feel an emotion I can't quite put my finger on. Is it disappointment ? I don't know… I thought there would be more changes but now that I think about it it's quite pathetic.

I walked over to my new bathroom, ready to take a bath to wash off all my thoughts.

I really need to stop overthinking so much.

Within a minute, all of my clothes were on the floor and I waited for the bathtub to be filled with water. 


As I rose from the water, I could feel every drop of water slide down my skin and I felt my body rapidly cooling with the ambient air of the bathroom, a lot colder than the water of my bath. 

I grabbed the towel I had set next to the tub and I wrapped it around my frame, also freeing my hair from the bun I had made before the bath. Today was not a hair wash day.

It was really refreshing to take a hot bath but nothing could ever compare to bathing in a lake. It may sound weird but I assure you it is so relaxing. Maybe it's because I feel more connected with nature but whatever the reason is, I can’t deny that a hot bath does feel good.

As I was thinking to myself, I opened the door of my bathroom and…

And I was greeted with the sight of two idiots doing push-ups next to my bed.



"So… mind explaining what you are doing here?" I raised an eyebrow as I crossed my arms and legs. 

I was seated on my bed, looking down at Natsu and Happy, both with a red mark on their forehead. I may or may have not hit them for sneaking in my room.

Luckily I had the time to get dressed into a tank top and sleeping shorts after hitting them. Now, all I want are answers.

"Lusheee… you're so mean! Why hit us!" Happy whined.

Natsu nodded, "Yeah! We only came by to check on you!".

Yeah right. Check on me. Weirdly enough, I'm not against that thought but it just doesn't make sense to me… we're almost strangers.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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