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✴Narrator's POV✴

As the sun began to rise high up in the clear sky, Lucy opened her eyes with a small yawn. She slowly sat up against the trunk of the tree she was sleeping at.

The blonde-haired girl slept on one of the tree's branches, it wasn't that comfortable but she considerably preferred to sleep in open-air than in an inn. Not only an inn was a waste of money for her, but she could also absorb more energy under the stars than inside.

She dangled her feet as she stared at the sky, slightly squinting her eyes at the sun. She guessed it was probably around six AM since the sun was still not completely visible. Lucy tilted her head with a frown on her beautiful face, her fist tightened its grip on her dress as she felt a squeezing-like sensation in her stomach, 'What's with this gut feeling...' the blonde wondered, feeling as if her instinct was trying to tell her something.


Natsu and Happy were on their way to their guild, Fairy Tail. The salmon haired mage didn't usually wake up this early, but for some reasons, today was an exception. Happy was following his best friend by flying above him, eager to eat some fish in his favorite guild.

The fire mage groaned as he placed a hand on his stomach, "Ugh, I've been dealing with this weird stomach ache since this morning!" he complained, walking closer to the big building. The flying exceed slightly raised his cute little eyebrow, "Huh? Really? Are you sure you're not just hungry?" Happy spoke up, a bit concerned at first before chuckling, not thinking it was anything serious since his friend never got sick.

Natsu actually thought about it for some seconds before shrugging. The thing he felt in his stomach wasn't like this usual hungry feeling, but he also couldn't think of anything else. "Meh, you're probably right." Natsu replied as they finally arrived in front of Fairy Tail.

The tanned boy kicked the doors open like he always did and walked in the guild, glancing around as he noticed there wasn't a lot of persons here. "Aw man! There's no one I can fight with!" Natsu pouted while Happy sweatdropped. "Isn't it a little bit too early for a fight?" The small exceed said as he sat on the bar's counter.

Natsu sat on a stool in front of his exceed, looking up to see Mirajane walking towards them with her usual sweet signature smile. "Good morning Natsu! You're early today, is something up?" She asked as she tilted her head, hoping nothing was wrong since it was unusual for Natsu to be in the guild before 9 AM, and it was currently around 7:30 AM.

The said boy grinned as he shook his head, "Nah! Just couldn't fall back asleep. Can I have breakfast though!?" Natsu replied before Happy also spoke up, "Oh! And fishes for me too!". Mira chuckled as she put a hand against her cheek, her head still tilt, "Why of course yes. I'll be right back!".


It has been some hours since Natsu and Happy ate their breakfast. The guild was now packed with its members, rowdy as ever. So lively and jolly, just like a big and happy family. Too bad the warm and nice atmosphere wasn't going to last for long.

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