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✴Narrator's POV✴

Many Fairy Tail members went to check on the others, making sure they were okay and didn't need any medical attention, though Natsu and Erza were staring at Lucy.

She was still standing in that one spot with a frown on her face. She didn't pay attention to the others that were walking past her and occasionally staring at her. The blonde haired girl sighed, finally deciding it was her time to go since she had done her job.

"Wait!" Erza exclaimed, catching up with Lucy as she was about to walk away.

The blonde mage looked at the scarlet haired girl with a raised eyebrow, inciting her to talk.

"I.. I wanted to thank you for helping us." The armored girl bowed in front of the powerful mage, surprising her a bit.

Lucy felt herself slightly grimace, feeling a bit awkward as she stared at the bowing girl. It reminded her of the time she had maids at her service, a part of her life that she didn't want to recall. "Err... You're welcome." She replied, averting her eyes away from her.

Erza straightened up and placed a hand on Lucy's shoulder, a bit surprised to feel how cold her body was but quickly shrugged it off, "No, really. I don't think we would've won without your help, whoever you are." she insisted with a smile.

The golden haired girl pursed her lips as she slightly squinted her eyes at the hand on her shoulder, not liking any form of physical contact. The red haired girl noticed her discomfort and rapidly stopped touching her. "Yeah. It was plain obvious to see they had the high ground." Lucy spoke up after the hand was off her shoulder.

"Hey! I'm sure we would've kicked their butts either way!" Natsu chimed in after watching their awkward interactions.

Erza shot a glare at him while Lucy rolled her eyes at what he said.

"Anyway, I also wanted to ask, why did you help us?" Erza asked, ignoring Natsu as she looked back at the blonde girl, she had been wondering this question for a while.

Lucy was about to answer but someone beat her to it.

"I'm the one who told her to help." Someone answered behind her.

Everyone turned their head towards the new person as they recognized the strong voice of the man.

"Gramps!" Some people exclaimed, hurrying to the small group of mages, happy to see their guild master back after such an event.

Makarov lightly chuckled as he saw his brats doing well even if some of them were still unconscious but being taken care of. "Ah, it has been a while since I last saw you without your cloak, Lucy." The old man smiled as his gaze fell upon the mentioned girl.

She looked at him, "Eh, hello to you too, Makarov..." Lucy replied as she forced a smile on her face. The girl couldn't deny that she was still a bit happy to see Makarov since the last time they saw each other was in the halls of the council building after an important meeting. Though, she would've preferred to see and talk to him in a less crowded place.

"OH! So your name's Luigi!" Natsu exclaimed with that toothy grin of his.

Everyone sweatdropped as Lucy felt her eyebrow twitch in annoyance.

"...No, talk to me again when you'll get my name right, for now, please restrain yourself from talking to me." She calmly stated before turning her attention to the wizard saint in front of her.

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