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✴Narrator’s POV✴

Makarov and Lucy waited for the chairman to answer the lacrima call. It took a couple of seconds before the face of Draculos appeared on the lacrima. 

Draculos raised an eyebrow as he eyed Makarov and Lucy, not expecting them to be calling him together. It made him curious, wondering what they might  want to talk  about.

"Is there something wrong, Makarov, Lucy?" The chairman asked.

The guild master shook his head, "No, but you will certainly be surprised." he grinned.

"What is it then? I'm curious about what I'm going to be surprised about." Draculos insinuated them to tell him. 

Lucy decided not to waste time and directly tell him instead of dropping hints. "I joined Makarov's guild.".

To say that Draculos was surprised would be an understatement. His jaw almost dropped before he shook his head to regain his calm.

"That's… I guess that's good." He told them after some seconds, but he also had a perplexed look on his face. "But, you two are aware that there are some restrictions, right?" The vampire-like mage asked. 

Makarov said, "Yes. Lucy told me that before the call, but even then I knew there would be some.".

Lucy spoke up, wanting to keep the call short, "Can you tell us now the restrictions?".

The Chairman lightly hummed with a nod. "Well, the first being obvious, you can't use your full powers. Second of all, you are still a part of the council and will have obligatory missions and lastly, nobody should know your status.".

The two persons on the other side of the lacrima acknowledged the information. 

"That's it?" Makarov asked.

"Yes. Those are the main rules. Although, there is still one last rule.." The Chairman continued, "Have fun." he finished with a faint smile.

Makarov smiled while Lucy only looked away, not sure what to express. 

"Okay, thank you." The blonde girl said, nodding her head as a goodbye before walking away and going back to where the others were repairing the guild. 

Lucy looked around her and had a weird feeling building up in her chest as she saw how the guilds members were all smiling and laughing despite being attacked not even a few hours ago.

'So weird…' She thought to herself.

The blonde mage couldn't help but feel out of place. She doesn't belong here… she's not supposed to belong here. Hell, it doesn't even feel like she's a part of the guild.

They were all so close and even the members that seemed shy or introverted had a friend next to them. 

'I'm not going to fit in…' Lucy thought as she discreetly walked away, convinced that nobody will notice her absence, 'I never did.'.


✴Lucy's POV✴

I should maybe buy a small apartment, after all, even if I don't mind sleeping in the woods, I still need to have a secure place to stay since I am now a part of a guild. 

Guess that means I'll have to take my stuff from Crocus and bring them here when I'll have my new house… 

So many thoughts for a guild that I don't even know if I'll be staying. Nobody is forcing me to stay, right? If I want to, I can quit and never come back to this town. 

Mama didn't raise a quitter.

I continued to walk in the streets of Magnolia, briefly looking around. Okay, maybe I should maybe start finding a place to buy first. 

As if the stars heard me, as I glanced next to me, I saw a small apartment with a sign 'For rent'. 

I guess that's what you call destiny. 


A/N: IM REALLY SORRY THAT IT TAKES FOREVER FOR ME TO UPDATE! I just either forget I have a story to continue, have no motivation or when I have some I'm busy as hell.

I'm really trying guys :') And I promise next chapter will be longer! I just didn't know how to continue this chapter and wanted to post something.


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