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✴Narrator’s POV✴

Lucy slightly grimaced as everybody started cheering, all happy to have her in their guild despite only knowing her name. 

She couldn't understand why they were making it such a big deal.

Fairy Tail really was special, huh.

Makarov grinned at her, "Come, my child. We will talk in private  about you joining the guild." he told her, accentuating the 'in private' so the others understand not to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Lucy nodded and remembered Natsu's arm was still around her shoulders. She rolled her eyes as she took a step forward to get rid of his weight on her before walking towards the master.

"Hey! You're not getting your guild mark in front of us?" Natsu caught up to her.

The other guild members also asked where and when she would get the guild mark.

Makarov eyed Lucy before sighing, "Well, Lucy, where would you like your guild mark to be then?" he hesitated for a second before asking.

The blonde mage frowned a bit.

It took her a few moments to finally speak up, "On my right hand. Pink I guess.".

Mirajane walked up to her with a smile as she held the magic stomp, "Can you take off your glove please?".

Lucy complied to the request and took it off with a swift movement, letting Mirajane stomp the guild mark on her hand.

She felt tingles on the top of her hand running up her arm. It felt… quite warm actually. 

"Here you go Lucy, you are now an official guild member of Fairy Tail. Welcome!" The she-demon exclaimed happily as the guild cheered once again, shouting welcoming sentences. 

"I call for a party!" A drunk woman yelled as she drank even more.

Everyone agreed with a shout.

Lucy was staring at her hand with curiosity while everybody was already somehow partying and drinking, as well as brawling. She had to admit that the guild mark was pretty and looked good on her hand, as if it was always meant to be there.

She was about to put her glove back on, but someone grabbed it before she could.

Natsu smirked as he held the piece of accessory above him, "Nah-ah Luce! Can't cover your guild mark.".

With a glare, Lucy crossed her arms, "Says who?" she said with an annoyed tone, not wanting to waste anymore time as she had to talk with the master. 

"Me, I guess." The fire mage shrugged, keeping the glove above him.

"Ugh. I don't have time for this, give it back to me." Lucy tried to reach for the glove but she was too short, even when she tiptoed.

Natsu snickered while Lucy was contemplating the idea of kicking him.

"I'm giving it back to ya on one condition!" He told her, still smirking.

'Again?! Ugh.' Lucy rolled her eyes but raised an eyebrow nonetheless, a sign for him to propose what he has to offer in exchange for the glove.

The dragon slayer got a little closer to Lucy, "Be my team partner.".

The celestial mage looked at him up and down.

"I only do solo." She replied bluntly. 

"But it's always more fun with friends!" Natsu pouted.

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