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Hello there my amazing and beautiful readers!♥

School is starting on 1st September so I unfortunately have to put this fic on hiatus. This year will be really important for me and I'll need to stay as focused as I can on school and stuff.

The problem isn't with my grades (I'm usually the one who has the highest grades in my classes ever since elementary school), the problem will be about time management. With class starting soon and it being my last year before going to High School (In my country there are 4 grades in middle school and 3 in high school, it's not like in the U.S which means I'll be in 9th grade starting Tuesday), there'll be lots of important exams and I'll also need to find internships during this school year. 

All of that combined with homework and other school stuff (+ my appointments with my social worker and psychologist), I won't have lots of time to write chapters...

I decided to only update during the holidays (2 weeks around the end of October, 2 weeks for Christmas and new year in December, 2 weeks in February, 2 weeks in April and finally summer break in July).

I'll still try to write when I'll have the time and keep the chapters in draft to upload them when I'll be in holidays (<-- I'll TRY to upload at least 5 chapters when I can upload again).

Anyway, if you have any questions, feel free to ask! 


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