ღ¸.✻'𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬'✻.¸¸ღ

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"𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐤."

Right now, Y/N and Gojo were sitting with Nanami in his house to chitchat for a bit and also to discuss the upcoming plan to retrieve the compass. Tengen and Shinubo went back to HQ to get some stuff and inform their leader about the next plan.

Nanami was the first to talk, "So what do you have in mind Y/N chan?" He asked her, turning his head to observe her expression.

She nodded her head, "I have something in mind and I hope you would agree to this!" She exclaimed with that same smile she had, "Maki, Panda, and Toge will guard around along with my students while we try to get into the temple!" She said with her loud voice.

This made Gojo to choke on his drink while Nanami looked at her with a bit of confusion, "You have students, Y/N?" Gojo asked as he looked at her in disbelieve. She was pretty much young to have students and teach them around.

"It's more like I'm taking care of them and show them what I know!..." She stated, "Anyway, back to the plan. Itadori kun and Kugisaki chan will go along with Uzui san and Kocho san. Fushiguro kun will remain with the three of us since his dogs can sense curses." She said while pointing a finger up, "In general, they will be divided into teams of two. Each sorcerer has a demon slayer along side them, Maki with Tanjiro, Panda with Zenitsu, Toge with Inosuki, Nobara with Tengen, and finally Shinobu with Yuji. So what do you think?" She included then asked.

Nanami thought for a while, "I believe this is a good plan. That way, none of the students will get killed by a demon and no demon slayer will get killed by a curse. They will cover each other's backs." He said monotonously.

"Great thinking Y/N chan! That's what expected from you!" Gojo said while hugging her.

Nanami flinched slightly at the move Gojo made, but he didn't show it. Instead, he pulled out a map that shows the layout of the school along with the forest around it to distract himself from how close Gojo was to her. He opened it across the table, which made Y/N to pull away to see the map and Gojo to pout, "I managed to locate the temple exact place, it's right in here as Gojo mentioned in the western side right in the middle. The curse energy within those chains is strong enough to prevent anyone from breaking it." He explained while pointing at the area where the temple was, "However, it won't take long for me to break them." He added which made Y/N light up.

She clapped her hands together, "That's great!! This makes the job much more easier!" She beamed with brightness, "Like this I can finish my mission earlier the expected!" This statement made Gojo sad while Nanami sighed deeply.

There was ring of a phone, "This is mine, I will be back." Gojo said while pulling his phone. He stood up and went outside the room, leaving Y/N and Kento alone.

She felt a bit awkward that she just played with her Nichirin blade's handle. Nanami then spoke up, "You seem like you're close to Gojo as I see." He said, taking a sip from his drink.

Y/N nodded and smiled, "He is my friend and I respect his efforts to help me as well as you too!" She loudly said.

At her words, Nanami stared at her for a while, "You have noble principles Y/N, don't let anyone effect you. Especially Gojo, he is a bad influence." He uttered, taking another sip.

The flame Hashira looked down and smiled softly, "Thank you for this and don't worry, my principles will never budge or be effected by anything because they are planted into me since childhood." She said, her voice is a bit low.

Gojo suddenly appeared, "Y/N chan! Itadori just called and said that three boys are there to see you." He explained which made the girl stand up.

"They have arrived!"


Three sorcerers staring at three demon slayers, the six of them were cautious from each other. The slayers didn't want to say anything until they see there only leader.

"Oh dear, what's with the boar head?" Nobara thought while staring at the boy with boar mask arguing with his blond friend.

"I'm sorry, but is Rengoku san taking longer?" A boy wearing Hanafuda earrings spoke up, asking politely about his superior.

"I don't think she will be any late, I called Gojo sensei and they are on their way." Itadori assured him, giving him a cheerful smile. The boy nodded and went back to his friends, "I wonder what's in the box." He mumbled while eyeing the box on the boy's back.


"KAMADO! MY BOY!" Y/N suddenly jumped in front of her students with made them startled.

The three of them perked up, "Rengoku san! I'm glad to see you!" Tanjiro spoke up with his usual kind expression.

Y/N laughed, "I'm also glad to see you all safe and sound, I hope your sister is doing great Kamado kun!" She said, giving him a head pet that made him blush. The boy nodded his head, "Did you introduce yourselves?" She asked them.

The three looked worried for a bit then Zenitsu spoke, "N-No actually."

"Then let me do so!" Y/N stated with her expression still decorated with a smile.

Gojo then stood behind his students, "Those are Y/N chan's students? Such a strange combination." He said which made the three students look at him as if saying 'We're also a strange combination.' to which Gojo laughed at.

"These are my friends and dear students. These are Kamado Tanjiro, Agatsuma Zenitsu, and Hashibira Inosuk!" She introduced proudly, pointing at each one.

Both Tanjiro and Zenitsu bowed in respect, "It's nice to meet you all!" They said in unison. When Tanjiro noticed that Inosuk didn't follow them, he hit him on the head which made his mask fall off.

"Hey! What was that for!?" He asked angrily while holding his head down.

When he looked up, the three students and teacher were shocked, "He is too pretty to be a male!" They thought at the same time.

"You should bow to show respect!"

"I don't want to Tanviro!"

"It's Tanjiro you idiot!"

Y/N clapped her hands, "Stop the fight!" And at her command, they stopped fighting and Inosuk put his mask on again.

Gojo cleared his throat, "Alright, my name is Gojo Satoru and these are my precious students, Itadori Yuji, Fushiguro Megumi, and Kugisaki Nobara. It's nice to meet you as well." He said with a big smile.

"This man is weird...." Zenitsu thought while looking at the blindfolded teacher.

"Now that we all met! Let's start discussing our plan!" Y/N said while putting her hand on her hips.

The action is about to start!

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