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"𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐤."

The said guests have arrived...
Everything was peaceful and warm, the evening atmosphere were the best you could ever have in the Rengoku's household. Everything was just good.


Shinjoru with his glare at the males made the atmosphere more tense then peaceful, both Y/N and Senjuro noticed how their father was staring daggers at the poor sorcerers. Gojo was acting cool all the time, but deep down he couldn't shake off the tension. Yuji was actually nervous along with Toge who was playing with his fingers. Megumi had a deadpan expression and Panda was sweatdropping. Nobara and Maki where both glaring back while Nanami wasn't really bothered about it.


He was ready to murder the former Hashira for glaring at him like this even though he was in his Innate Domain.

Y/N cleared her throat, "I'm glad you all accepted my invitation! Please feel free to eat." She happily said, offering them a smile to lighten the mood. They all started to eat after giving their thanks. They all wanted to talk and enjoy their time, but Shinjoru was like a bomb about to explode if they uttered one word. They were eyeing the girl they all love, she was wearing a F/C kimono with (Favorite Pattern) patterns. Her hair was styled in (Favorite hair style), for them she was like an angel. After the dinner, Y/N and both Nobara and Maki decided to clean the kitchen and wanted to talk to her, leaving behind the males with a glaring father.

"I saw how you're all eyeing my daughter." The man rasped out as he crossed his arms. All of them panicked at his voice.

Gojo laughed nervously, "I assure you I can see nothing with this blindfold." His obvious lie made them all glare at him, even Senjuro sweatdropped when he said that.

Nanami sighed, "This man doesn't deserve respect, so don't mind him." He said, addressing Shinjoru.

"I already know..." Shinjoru agreed. If looks could kill, Gojo would be dead by now.

"Tuna mayo." Toge spoke up while scratching his head.

Shinjoru tilted his head to the side along with his son in confusion. This made Megumi speak up to explain, "He said we will never stare at Y/N san inappropriately, and I agree with him." He explained, having a very serious face.

"I think your daughter is hot in everything she wears!" Yuji's statement made everyone facepalme mentally while Shinjoru was fuming in anger.

The said man growled...

Uh huh!


The girls were enjoying their time in the kitchen, leaving the men to deal with each other. Nobara was telling them a story that made both girls laugh, but then she changed the subject, "Say Maki, how the boys with you?" She asked while crossing her arms.

Maki raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean? They are perfectly fine."

"Isn't there anything weird in their behavior recently?" Nobara asked again.

Maki thought for a bit, "Panda is all fine, but Toge... When he knew about Y/N chan's invitation, he became all nervous. He even dragged me with him to buy the best outfit for today."

Nobara hummed, "I could say the same for Itadori, Fushiguro, and even sensei. They are acting weird."

"Maybe they are just nervous about meeting my father." Y/N spoke up, giving her opinion to both girls.

They both thought for moment before their eyes widen, "They have a crush on you, Y/N!" They both said in unison which made the girl look at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

Nobara wrapped her arm around Y/N's shoulders, "It's obvious. Sensei, Toge, Megumi, and Yuji are all in love with you. They act all nervous about meeting your father because they don't want to give him a bad first impression. However, for the blond man, I have no clue." She explained with a proud look.

"I agree with her. I'm sure they ALL like you Y/N chan, but the question is... Who do you like?" Maki asked while putting her hands on her hips.

Y/N blushed with a shy smile, "I don't think I like them li--" She couldn't finish her sentence when she saw both Nobara and Maki raise their eyebrows at her in a suspicious way, "Okay okay, I like one of them only..."

"Who?" They both asked together.

The Hashira took a deep breath and opened her mouth, "I like... (Insert the character you like here). I guess he is the one for me." She said while looking down shyly to hide her blushy face. (A/N:- Let me know what character did you choose, I'm just curious hehe :))

They both looked at her with shock, "What? Why him?" Nobara asked.

"I'm not the one to interfere in anyone's life, but I'm curious to know." Maki stated while fixing her glasses.

Y/N tucked a golden lock of hair behind her ear, "I don't know why. I just like him the way he is. He is protective, funny, powerful, and many other things I can't just list by mere words."

The ginger haired girl put her hands on Y/N's shoulders, "If you think he is the one, you should never let this hidden. Confess to him and if he rejects you, I will murder him by myself." Nobara said, giving Y/N a smile.

Maki joined her, "We both will support you no matter what... We are friends in the end."

Smiling brightly, the golden haired girl gave a firm nod, "Alright then!"

Just then, Senjuro ran into the kitchen, "Hurry Nee san! Father is throwing a temper tantrum at your friends!" He said with panic.

Y/N nodded to her brother and ran outside to rescue her friends with both girls following her. Soon she will face the love of her life and confess to him, but would she get her happy ending.

Bonus Ending:-
"Ow! That hurts!" Yuji complained which made Y/N laugh.

"I apologize for this, my father is a bit scary sometimes." She said, feeling bad for him.

Gojo laughed, "I'm glad I have my Infinity."

Megumi glared at him, "This ended up on us." He mumbled.

"Salmon!" Toge agreed with an annoyed expression.

Gojo then remembered something, "He didn't beat Nanami kun or Panda at all though."

"Probably because they're the most mature ones among you all!" Nobara snapped.

Y/N laughed sheepishly, "I'm sorry again about what father did to you." She said, giving them a warm smile.

Only one thought went through the males who adore her, "So cute!"

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