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Natalia sat at the edge of her bed, biting her nails. She was nervous. She was awaiting a email from the director of a movie she audition for. Sighing she picked her laptop up and checked her email.

She refreshed the page, nothing, she waited a couple of minutes, before refreshing it again, nothing. Groaning she placed the laptop on her bed before walking towards her bathroom.

She decided to do her make-up to pass time. Grabbing her make up bag, she started with some light foundation, then some concelur under her eyes, rubbing that in she put some blush on her cheeks, before grabbing her eyeliner and making a small wing.

"Ehh looks alright" she shrugged. 'Not like im going anywhere' she thought grabbing her brush.

Natalia stood brushing her hair, deciding whether or not to leave it down or up, before she heard her laptop ding.

Dropping the brush on the floor she ran towards her bed, almost tripping over her own feet.

Grabbing the laptop, she saw the notification.

She gasped. Pressing it, the usual email form popped up and she began reading.


Dear ms. Martínez

We are pleased to inform you that we have chosen you to play the part of Julia lopez, filming starts in Two months but we will be having the cast fly out so we can have each of you get to know each other....

(I don't know how that stuffs works tried my best)

Natalia smiled as she finished reading the email, she couldn't believe she got the part. She had to tell her parent's.

But before that she had to do her victory dance. "I got the part!.I got the part!" she cheered jumping up and down and spinning around.

"Hola mamí!" Natalia smiled as she saw her moms face pop up on her screen.

"Hola mija!, how are you?" Her mom questioned, her Colombian accent appering.

"Im doing good but I have something to tell yall, is papí there?" She asked.

Her mom nodded. "Si. Luis!" Her mother yelled.

"Qué?" She heard her dad yell in the background.

"Natalia has to tell us something"

Natalia smiled as her father walked into the frame.

"Princesa!" Her father beamed.

She smiled at the nickname.

"Hola papí!, have to tell yall something" she exclaimed.

They nodded,"no me digas estas embarazada?" Her father asked worried.

"What!. No! I don't even have a boyfriend!" She said cheeks heating up from embarrassment.

"Mas te vale" he warned pointing a finger at her. Her mother smacked the back of his head. "Luis stop, she an adult" her mother scolded.

Natalia laughed. "Anyways, remember when i auditioned for that movie?" They nodded "well... I got the part!" She exclaimed.

Her mothers eyes widened.

"You did?" She nodded

"Yup filming starts in two months but they want us to go a month before so we get get to 'know each other' " she quoted

"This is great!" Her father smiled.

"We are so proud of you!" Her mom smiled tearing up.

"Aye mamí don't cry, cause if you cry I'll cry" Natalia joked, blinking away the tears forming in her eyes.

" I cant help it!" Her mother defended,
"Im just so proud" she smiled wiping her tears, luis rubbed his wife's back as she cried kissing her forehead softly.

Natalia smiled as the sight of her parents, she hoped she'd find love like that someday.

The talked for a while before natalia Finally decided to start packing early.

"Bye mamí, bye papí"

"Bye!" They waved before hanging up.

Sighing she stretched. "Welp, lets get started" she mumbled to herself grabbing a suitcase from under her bed.

chapter one done hope yall liked it finally got to use my Spanish! Translation will be in the comments!.
Constructive criticism is welcomed!
Comment or vote doesnt matter
Also next chapter do yall want me to do a time skip?

Words: 664

(Also i sorta imagine sofia vergara as her mom idk could be because im rewatching modern family but i just see sofia everytime i imagine ana Natalia's mother. And for luis all i can imagine is david zepeda thoughts?)

(Also if you don't know who david zepeda is then what are you doing with your life. Nah im just joking he's a famous mexican actor and my moms "husband" )

( also im not Colombian im mexican-american but i will be doing research on Colombian culture! And if i ever get something wrong don't be scared to correct me)

Ok sorry that was a lot ok now bye <3

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