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Not edited!

"Fred, Nat places" Leigh shouted, the two ran to the set, getting into characters before she yelled action.

figure this out. Im gonna go take a leak" simon cut him off, "come on" he held his hand out for julia to take.

"Are you almost done?" "julia" asked shivering. "Yeah" he mumbled.

Whatever sound police sirens make!

"Simon" jumped zipping his pants up, julia laughed at him,"shut up" he mumbled, "wait, do you hear that?" Julia asked as she heard a voice.

"Look!" She pointed towards a girl sitting on the ground knees up to her chest. "We should go check on her" "julia" said walking towards her.

"Hey, miss do you need help?" "Julia" asked, the girl picked her head up, giving "julia" a view of her face. "What the heck!" She exclaimed moving backwards. By this time the girl had taken out a feather blade and cut the back of her ankle. she screamed

"Julia!" "Simon" yelled as the girl threw "Julia"  on the floor getting on top of her.

"No" she grunted trying to stop her from cutting her neck

"Simon!" She yelled, he ran towards them trying to pull (im gonna use ruby's name bc if i just keep use the girl it confuses me) ruby off her.

"Ruby" had pushed "simon" back making him fall to the ground, she smiled at julia cutting her neck just a little. "OW!" She yelped, trying to grab ruby by the neck, by this time simon was up again trying to pull her off of julia again.

"Simon move!" "Deena" exclaimed as she shot at ruby. "EW!" "Julia" yelled disgusted as black blood fell on her face."Jules" simon said pulling her up from the floor hugging her.

"Hurry guys come on!" "kate" yelled running back towards the ambulance, deena dropped the gun turning around to run

"Cut!" Leigh yelled.

"Yall did great!, go get some water and get makeup fixed, well be shooting the house scene next"

Time skip bc im a lazy whore 😩🙄

It doesn't make sense, its...its not possible" "sam" stated as she sat down on deena couch. "Amazing, observation" "kate" smiled sarcastically.

"Who the hell was that?" "Deena" asked "julia". "I don't know, I...she...looked like she needed help, she seemed pretty normal!" "Julia" exclaimed. "Well I hate to break it to you Jules but normal bitches don't bleed black fucking blood!" "Deena" yelled. "Well Im sorry she looked completely normal to me until she attacked me with a fucking razor blade!" "Julia" yelled back sitting on one of the solo couches.

"Josh" looked up at her. "Wait, what...a razor?" Josh asked
"Yeah, uh yeah... a feather blade you know for shaving or in this case i guess slitting her- wrists She slashed her wrists" "josh" finished. The group all looked at each other. "Was she signing something, was she singing a song, like and oldie, like an oldie song?" "josh" asked.

"Jesus, rain man. How the fuck so you know that?" "Julia" exclaimed

"Cut" leigh yelled once again.

"Amazing!, take 5" she smiled at them before walking over to the writers.

"That was great, I gotta piss so ill be back" Natalia said running to her trailer.

"Hey nat!" Olivia yelled walking inside the girls trailer.

"What?" She yelled, still om the toilet.

"Where were you last night?".

"Fred took me to go watch captain marvel" she said flushing.

"Hmm so like a dafe?" Olivia asked.

Natalia walked out drying her hands with a small towel. "What? No!"

"You sure?" She nodded.

"Yes, as I told you last night, we are just friends" Olivia nodded, not believing the girl.

"I don't believe you but, ok" Natalia rolled her eyes.

"Oh also, ted asked if you wanted to go to six flags with us next week" Natalia smiled, "uhh duh,"

"Ok great Ill tell him, well goodbye for now"

"Bye see you in a couple"

sorry this is all over the place so next chapter will actually be the school scene!
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Words: 685

𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀, FRED HECHINGERWhere stories live. Discover now