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Natalia yawned, scrolling through Instagram, bored out of her mind.

Fred stood outside her door, not sure if he should knock or not.

Sighing he knocked, "coming" she said.

"Oh, hey fred" she smiled letting him in.

"Hey talia"

"Did you need something or..." She trailed off waiting for his response.

"Uhh, yeah, I-I was wondering, if you maybe wanted to go to the movies with me?" He said, his pale face turning a light red.

She smiled. "Yeah sure, I would love too, is anyone else coming?"

"N-No but we can invite the others if you want" he suggested.

"No its fine,unless you want to invite them?"

"NO" he yelled out, she looked at him confused.

"Umm, I-I mean no, its fine" he said trying to save himself from more embarrassment.

"Ok, well im gonna change, but meet you in the lobby in 10?" She asked, he nodded.

"Ok, so one large popcorn, and two cherry icees" the cashier repeted their order.

"Yes" fred nodded.

"Will that be all?" they nodded

"Ok your total will be 12.32" natalia took her wallet out getting the money to pay but fred stopped, insisting he pay, they argued, until she let him.

"You know i could of payed for myself" she said, he shrugged.

" I know but I invited you, so its only fair"

"Yeah, I guess, and thanks, for you know inviting me" he smiled.

"No problem"

"That movie was awesome" she laughed, nodding.

"Yeah, Captain marvel is a badass and it was so funny when goose scratched nicks eyes, but it was also sad because he lost his eye" she said.

"Ohh but the cat was so cute, I want a cat" he chuckled, "you should get one then".

she sighed dramatically. "I cant im allergic"

"Oh, that sucks im sorry" she shrugged.
"Its fine, dogs are my favorite anyways"
She joked.

He laughed. "Well we better get back, Leigh must be wondering where we are"

sorry its short, just wanted to add a little "filler" bc next chapter will be the whole ruby lane and school scene so yeah
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Words: 367

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