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"Hola mamí!" Natalia smiled, as her mothers face pop up on the screen.

"Hola mija, i need to tell you something" ana said smiling.

"Ok, what is it"

"Im coming to visit you!" Natalia smiled, she hadn't seen her mother, physically, in months.

"Oh my god, are you serious" ana nodded, grabbing her ticket from her purse. "Very" she held the ticket up fro natalia to see.

"Oh, i cant wait!, when do you leave?"

"Tomorrow, i should he there, around 6 or 8 tomorrow aswell" Natalia smiled, nodding she Couldn't wait.

"Is papí coming?" Ana frowned, "no, he cant he has to work"

"Oh, thats ok, im just glad i see atleats one of yall" ana smiled

"Speaking of papí..." Ana started, smirking.

"He told me you called the other day," natalia gulped, knowing where her mother was going with it.

"Yeaj, i needed- help with boy problems" ana cute her off.


"I told you, you liked fred" ana smiled, proud of herself.

"I dont, I-I just thought i did"

"Oh, por favor, ya para le, we all knos you like fred, stop pretending you dont"

"Im not pretending to do anything, becasue i dont like fred, we are just friends" ana quirked her eyebrow up.

"Yeah, ok, friends" she said not believing her.

"Im being for real, we are just friends, he even said it himself"

"Maybe hes only going along with it because he thinks you dont like him back"

Natalia sighed. "We dont like eachother like that mom, I swear"

"Ok, whatever helps you sleep at night"

Natalia laughed. "Whatever mamí, i gotta go, Leigh just texted me, i need to get to set, but i love you ill see you soon, oh and tell papí i love him too,  "

"Ok, will do te quiero" she smiled.

"Bye" she waved hanging up.

Fixing her hair, she made her way out the door, calling an uber before hand, to get to set, she was going to be filming her death scene, again, since she kept messing up.

"Hey Leigh im here" she said Walking up to the director.

"Good, i need you to get ready, becasue we need to finish this scene today," Natalia nodded walking towards the make up trailers.

"Oh!, hey liv" she greeted, as she walked in to the trailer.

"Hey nat" she smiled, trying not move to kuch since she was getting her make up done.

"Oh, natalia, hey" mari, the make-up artist smiled.

"Hey mari, hows it going" she asked sitting down.

"Its going good, how's it going for you?, got anything going on this week?" Mari asked, tying Natalia's hair up.

"Its going good, my mom is coming to visit me this week so yeah"

"Your moms coming?" Olivia asked, a smirk appering on her lips.

"Yes" she looked at olivia, notcing the smirk.

"Gross liv thats mom, ans shes like 20 years older than you"

"So age is just a number" she shrugged

"Shes also married"

"I forgot about that" she said rolling her eyes.

i had not idea how to end this chapter so here olivia crushing on ana 😁
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Words: 539

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