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another gif I made!
Not edited!

Time skip!

Time skip!

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Natalia sighed as she laid on the hotel mattress. She had arrived in Atlanta 2 hours ago, and all she wanted to do was sleep.

Rubbing her face she sat up, grabbing her phone to check the time.

It was 3:00pm that meant she had an hour to get dressed, to meet up with the rest of the cast.

'Well I can get dressed within 30 minutes so i think i can watch one or two episode of the walking dead' she thought grabbing her laptop and throwing  herself back on the bed.

Natalia watched her computer screen instantly as 'rick' ripped the mans throat out. "Oh my fucking god, he really did that" she whispered yelled. 'I would too if someone was trying to harm my child' she thought to herself.

She paused the show to check the time.
Seeing it was now 3:30 pm. She decided to close her laptop and get dressed.

She grabbed her suitcase, putting it on her bed and unzipping it.

Looking threw her clothes she decided on a plain white shirt and pink checkered cardigan and some blue jeans.

She brushed her hair, and fixed her smudged eyeliner. Grabbing her phone she noticed it was already 3:40 and the restaurant was about 10 minutes away from the hotel so she ordered an uber and waited.

Getting into the uber she gave the man the directions and he drove off.

Getting out of the car she noticed it was a small 'fancy' restaurant. Dusting her cardigan off she walked inside.

"natalia!" A voice called. Natalia looked to her left seeing the director.

"Mrs. Janiak, hi!" Natalia smiled at the woman. "Please call me leigh" she laughed, natalia nodded.

"Come,the rest are waiting" leigh smiled, walking towards the tables.

"Hey guys, this is natalia, shes gonna be playing Julia" leigh introduced her.

"Hi" natalia waved nervous. A blonde girl smiled at her, before speaking.

"Hi! Im olivia" she introduced herself.
"This is, maya, kiana, benjamin, julia  and emily" she introduced the others as natalia sat down at the table.

"We're still waiting for some others" she explained. Natalia nodded.

"So, is this your first acting job?" Kiana asked.

"Yes" she nodded answering her. Kiana nodded. Natalia looked at Benjamin.
" I feel like I've seen you in something before" she said thinking.

He smiled." I was in some the haunted hathways and game shakers and a couple of other nick movies"

"Oh my god I remember the haunted hathways,  I used to watch it all the time" she smiled.

The group talked for about ten mintues before leigh came back and introduced two more people. Natalia recognized one of them and was internally fan girling.

"Hi! This is sadie and ryan, they're gonna be playing ziggy and alice" leigh smiled.

"Hi" the group sitting welcomed.

"Hello" saide smiled.

"Hi" ryan grinned sitting down.

It had been an hour and almost the whole cast was there but one person was still missing.

"Hi, sorry im late" a voice said out of breath.

"Glad you could make it!" Leigh laughed.

"This is fred he'll be playing simon and your love interest" she said pointing at natalia.

Natalia almost choked on her coke.
She looked at fred, seeing his eyes wide.

"Welp have fun" leigh said patting his back and walking back to her table.

"Hello" fred smiled sitting  next to natalia.

"Hi" the table welcomed him.

I hate this chapter but hey! They met sorta next chapter is a instagram chapter so yeah but after that i promise they will talk. Also ik fred and maya already knew each other before fear street but i was to lazy to put it into this chapter so yeah.
Constructive criticism is welcomed!
Comment or vote!

Words: 636

(Also did yall know leigh was married to one of the duffer brothers i was  in shock when i found out)

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