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Time skip! Like maybe 4 weeks into filming ig 🕵

Time skip! Like maybe 4 weeks into filming ig 🕵

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Natalia and fred sat in her trailer as they read their lines, she yawned closing her script. She looked at Fred. She sighed loudly trying to get his attention, but he ignored her, sighing again he closed the script.

"What?" He asked looking at her.

She smiled. "Im bored". He looked at her for a second thinking.

"We could make slime!" He grinned getting up. Her eyebrows rose confused.

"But we don't have glue or detergent?" she said.

He rolled his eyes." We have shampoo and salt don't we"

If she wasn't as confused before she definitely was now.

He sighed. "You really didn't have a childhood huh?"

" I guess not " she shrugged laughing.

After about thirty minutes of fred  explaining that shampoo was a replacement for glue and the salt was the activator and looking for a tutorial on youtube. The two began making the "slime".

"I bet five dollars  mine is gonna come out better" fred smiled.

"Deal!" They shook hands

The two had finished mixing the shampoo and salt 4 minutes ago and were now waiting for it to come together in the freezer.

Natalia groaned. " why does it have to be exactly fifteen minutes"

"You have no patience do you, talia?" He asked. she blushed at the use of her  nickname.

She shook her head. "Nope!"

"It wont work if we take it out after like 5 minutes" he explained. She rolled her eyes getting up.

"I don't care" she opened the freezer.

"Im so winning this bet" he laughed

She closed it quickly smilinh nervously

"I forgot about that" she walked back to the couch.

"I guess fifteen minutes wont hurt"

Fifteen minutes passed and they took the bowls out of the freezer.

Mixing it she noticed it was starting to clump up.

"Hey! I think it working" she exclaimed showing him the bowl of the clumped up "slime".

He smiled "I think mine is too"

After mixing it for a good thirty seconds she tried picking it up, only for it to dissolve in her hands.

"This was bullshit" she yelled, looking at him.

"It worked for me!" He smiled gloating.

"What but how?" She asked dumbfounded.

"You definitely cheated!" She said pointing a finger at him.

"Nope" he smiled

"Brujería" she mumbled.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing" she smiled, walking over to the sink to wash her hands.

'This was a dumb idea now i owe him five bucks' she mentally rolled her eyes.

Please tell me yall tried doing this as a kid my mom would  yell at in Spanish bc i was wasting her good shampoo 😒
Anyways like or comment
Constructive criticism is welcomed!


𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀, FRED HECHINGERWhere stories live. Discover now