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"Oh, hola papí!" Natalia smiled, surprised to see her fathers face pop up instead of her moms.

"Hola princesa!" He smiled

"How are you?" She asked, fixing her phone.

"Yo estoy, muy bien, me jefecito me dio un bonus" he smiled, jokingly puffing his chest out.

Natalia laughed at her fathers antics,
"Qué bueno, y mamí?"

"Fue para la tienda y dejo su Telephone,  y se llevo el mio" he explained.

"Classic mamí" she laughed.

"Did you need something?" he asked, she nodded. "Yeah, but its boy, stuff, i dont thi- you sont think i can help, Im a boy" he smirked, she smiled.

"Ok, fine if you wanna know so bad, I think i like- fred?" He finished for her.

She nodded. "Yeah, i mena i dont know we shot the school scene today, and i just felt something, maybe it was just nerves but, i dont know"

"Well, all i can tell you is hang out with him, just the two of yall, and see if the feeling is still there, and if not then it was just the kiss" he said.

She nodded. "B-just trust me on this ok?"


"Ok, great, if thats all, i need to start boiling the chicken, porqué se no..." He said making hiiting motions with his hand.

"Tu mama me va pegar" he smiled.

"Yeah that was it" she laughed

"Ok, bueno, té quiero, princesa"

"I love you too papí tell mom i love her" she smiled waving goodbye.

Hanging up she thought about what her father said, maybe he was right.

this is horrible im so sorry, i suck at giving advice so yeah, anyways for like the next chapter should i have them go to the arcade or the mall?

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Words: 305

𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀, FRED HECHINGERWhere stories live. Discover now