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"Hey fred!" Natalia smiled walking  into his trailer.

"Hi talia, you're Finally here" he rolled his eyes jokingly.

"Whatever, now wheres my big mac?" she asked, her hands on her hips.

"Here, i thought you weren't coming so i almost gave it to McCabe" he said laughing.

"Wow, he was about to Commit cannibalism and you were about to let him" she jokingly said.

He laughed. "That would of been bad"

She smiled. "Yeah, very bad," they laughed.

"Can you believe it?, its our last day filming 1994," he said, she nodded. "I know its crazy, but at least we still have to film 1666 so its not goodbye yet " he smiled "yeah, oh, before i forget olivia invited us to the movies to go watched that new movie "ma" " she nodded, "oh, yeah she told me when we talked last night"

"ok just letting you know, well anyways you should probably eat, im gonna go get ready to film"

"Ok, yeah, thanks for the food freddie" she smiled, before taking a bite out of the burger.

"You're welcome"

sorry its very short i don't find writing irl chapters fun anymore so i think most of this book will be social media ones :)
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Words: 234

Also yall should go follow my instagram @cevqns__ Im gonna be posting a ziggy edit soon so yeah!

𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀, FRED HECHINGERWhere stories live. Discover now