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<Mac Demarco3

(Also ik pll ended like years ago but this is like the set tour)

Fred knocked on the girls hotel door, waiting for her to open it.

"Coming!" She yelled,opening the door.

"Oh, hey fred!" She smiled, moving to the side, letting him in.

"Hey, ok so you know how you said, you love, pretty little liars" she nodded.

"Well... My cousin said that him and his girlfriend had passes for the set tour, but since they broke up, he said i can have them" she gasped.

"So, do you wanna go?"

"Yes, of course I do Oh my god!" She yelled jumping up and down.

"Thank you freddie"  she hugged him.

"this is why your my favorite, don't tell liv" he used an imaginary key to zip his mouth.

"Oh gosh, I cant wait" she smiled.
"Well get dressed, well meet in the lobby in 30"


Small time skip!

"Ok were here!" He smiled parking the car.

"Im so excited!" She exclaimed, he grabbed her hand.

"I think its this way" she blushed looking down at their connected hands.

"Talia?" Fred snapped her out of her daze. She hummed.

"I asked, if you wanted to take a picture with the golf cart?" He said pointing at the pink golf cart.

"Oh, yes oh my god" she squealed, running to stand next to it.

"Wait make it a boomerang!" She smiled, he nodded.

"Alright, cheese"

She leaned on it, bringing her finger up to her lips making a "shh" aound, as fred snapped the picture.


"Let me see" she smiled running back to him.

"Here" he handed her the phone. "Wow freddie, its not blurry, im impressed" she joked. He rolled his eyes, pushing her playfully. "Whatever" .

The two walked around, taking pictures with the sets, even getting some pre signed, autographs, for themselves and their friends.

"They're going to love these" she smiled, practically jumping up and down as they exited the building.

Fred just smiled, watching her look at the autographs like a child seeing candy, seeing her happy made him happy, and in that exact moment he realized he was falling in love.

  i feel like i moved a little to fast but idk please let me know feedback/ constructive criticism is welcomed and needed!

Words: 398

(Next chapter is a texting one)

𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀, FRED HECHINGERWhere stories live. Discover now