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"And action!"

Babe, what if we die virgins" "simon" groaned as he washed his hands.

"Oh well" she shrugged smirking

"I don't wanna die a virgin" he pouted

"Well what do you want me to to about
It" she smiled walking towards him

"You know exactly what" he smirked leaning in to kiss her.

Natalia was mentally panicking, it wasn't weird, it was quite nice, but she wouldn't admit if you asked.

Closing the gap between them she ran her hands through his hair.

The kiss quickly hot heated as he layed  her on the ground.

"Lets hope your pull out game is strong" she joked pulling away from the kiss

"Cut!" Leigh yelled, the two got up,

"That was amazing guys, the chemistry I loved it!" She said patting Natalia shoulder.

"Keep up the good work" she said walking away.

Fred smiled, looking at Natalia.

"that was nice"  he said blushing

"Yeah, I-I gotta uhh...g- Ill see you" Natalia spat out, running back to her trailer.

She mentally scolded herself, not understanding why she freak out like that.

Someone knocked on her door, breaking her train of thoughts, "come in"

"Hey, is everything ok?" Fred asked stepping inside, she looked up.


"Are you sure, you seemed kinda..." He trailed off looking for a word to describe how she reacted.

"No, yeah im fine," he smiled.

"Ok, alright, just wanna make sure, I thought maybe the kiss was bad, so I ju- NO!" She cut him off.

"I-I mean, no, the kiss was fine" he laughed. "Well that good Im glad im not a bad kisser".

"Yeah..." She trailed off, looking down at her shoes.

"Did you need anything else or...?"

"Oh! no, just makings sure your ok, Im gonna go now" he awkwardly smiled, turning around to leave.


"Bye" he said closing the door.

She picked up her pillow from her small couch, before putting it to her face and screaming into it.

"You idiot" she mumbled

'Im gonna call my mom'

sorry this is short and it sucks next chapter is gonna be interesting 😏
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Words: 366

𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀, FRED HECHINGERWhere stories live. Discover now