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Gif made by me :)!
Not edited!

Also if you see 'blah blah' in the paragraph its just like her thoughts as someone is talking to her if that makes sense its like 5am

Also if you see 'blah blah' in the paragraph its just like her thoughts as someone is talking to her if that makes sense its like 5am

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Natalia smiled as she finished posting the picture of olivia.

"So..." Fred said trying to start a conversation.

She looked at him "so?" She questioned her eyebrows furrowing.

"Can i call you talia?" He asked smiling.
'Talia that's a new one'.

She nodded. "Yeah sure I don't mind"
He grinned. " so where are you from?" He asked taking a sip of his coke.

"Well Im from texas, but i moved to los Angeles a year ago to purse acting" she smiled answering his question.


"Im- wait you're from texas?" Olivia asked smiling. She nodded "born and raised"

"Me too!" She exclaimed.

"Which part?" Natalia asked.

"Hurst, you?" Fred sighed slightly annoyed he had be cut off.

"San Antonio!" She smiled the girls continued talking about texas and its "wonderful" sights ( im texan i absolutely hate it here)

"Ok sorry you can continue" natalia said looking at fred. He nodded.

"Im from new york" he said finishing his sentence from before.

"That's cool i've never been, but my cousin moved there about 3 years ago, she brought me back some m&ms" natalia smiled.

"Really that's cool, how does she like it so far?"

"Welp my aunt says she loves it over there" she said taking a sip from her coke. Fred nodded not really listening to her, he just kept staring at her face, he thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

"So yeah" natalia smiled as she finished her story. She raised an eyebrow.

"Fred?" She snapped her finger's in his face. "Hmp?" He hummed breaking out of some sort of trance.

"Did you hear anything i just said?" She questioned knowing the answer.

He nodded. "Ye-no..." He corrected himself. "Its fine it was boring story anyway" she shrugged laughing.


Liked by oliveoil and 7 others

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Liked by oliveoil and 7 others

Notnat: fred is cool ig 🕵

Tagged- fred_fred_fred

Author: pretend thats nat instead of maya 😰

fred_fred_fred: you guess 💔
notnat: yeah ig
fred_fred_fred: I thought we were friends 😒

Oilveoil: im being replaced 😔
notnat: i would never replace you 😔
Oilvelil: good 😽

noonebutsomeone: maybe now i can have olivia all to my self 😁
notnat:not a chance 🤷🏻

Sorry this is short but look they finally talked! Also next chapter is gonna be a time skip so they are already gonna starr filming also just so yall know this takes place in 2019 so covid hasn't completely started if that makes sense

Constructive criticism is welcomed!
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𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀, FRED HECHINGERWhere stories live. Discover now