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I got the gif off of tumblr but I cant remember the persons user 😕


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Liked by fred_fred_fred and 8 others

notnat: fan girl moment!!😌

Vc: @fred_fred_fred

Author: so basically shes on the set of pll as a fan it'll make more sense in the next chap!

Oliveoil: what? How? Who? Where?
notnat: bae, im sorry i didn't tell you it was a surprise from fred.
  Oliveoil: *gasp* so like a date 😏
    notnat: no not even close 😧
       fred_fred_fred: I wish
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fred_fred_fred:i Im the best i know 😫
   notnat: whos gonna tell him 😟
    fred_fred_fred: alright i see how it is
    notnat:freddie im just joking 😔
      fred_fred_fred:  I knew it I am the best😌

Imusedineveryfanfic: how could you 😔🖐
   notnat: IM SORRY but i did get yall some autographs 😏
   imusedineveryfanfic: BAE STOP NO WAY
   notnat: yes way 😫
       Imusedineveryfanfic: I LOVE YOU <3

noonebutsomeone: So since you and fred are now dating, can i have olivia all to myself 😁
  notnat: no because 1. Me and fred are not dating and 2. Dont you have a boyfriend😒
     noonebutsomeone: 1. That must of stung sorry fredward and 2. Yes but he doesn't need to know 😅
   fred_fred_fred: it did infact hurt
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    notnat: im gonna tell him 😱
       noonebutsomeone: tell him i dont care 😂
       notnat: ok 😊

Press for less

Sorry this is all over the place, next chapter will explain where fred took her! But that'll be out later today since its 5am for me and i still havent gone to sleep 😟

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Words: 246

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