Chapter 33: Awakening Of The Third Quirk: The Lightning Blade Quirk!

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(A flashback chapter)

Nana's POV


Shoto opened the door for me and the small bell on top of the door rang as we stepped inside the oh-so-familiar small neighborhood café of the 20th ward, Anteiku. The café didn't have customers at that moment. The café's environment had been like this for a while now, especially ever since the Paranormal Liberation War had happened for which the crime and villain attack rate of the city was increasing rapidly day by day. In one word, the whole of Musutafu City was a mess and filled with chaos and tension.

"Nana! Welcome back!" a familiar voice called out as the owner of the voice rushed over and pulled me into a bear hug.

And that person was none other than Hideyoshi Nagachika. Hide was a childhood friend of mine and Kaneki. He was also a 16-year-old teenager like us who went to Kamii High School on the other side of the city.

Most of the time, Hide had a carefree attitude, always joyful and friendly, which greatly annoyed people like Ayato and Nishiki. Although he didn't share a relationship with many people besides me and Kaneki despite his friendly appearance. Hide was also incredibly observant and could figure things out about people in an almost Sherlock-like manner. He was someone who became interested in certain things and worked hard on them until he found something else that interested him. Hide always claimed to have a habit of pretending to be a detective by putting tracking devices on suspicious people and notifying the authorities if his intuitions turned out to be right. Hide also had a very "determined" behavior. When he set goals or decisions, he would stick to them to the very end. Hide always looked out for me and Kaneki, encouraging us about many things, and worried when we didn't return his calls. Though he was loud and outspoken, Hide was usually found keeping most of his concerns to himself in order to not trouble those surrounding him. Recently, Hide started dating Touka Kirishima just a few months back.

"Hey Hide!" I chuckled, returning him the hug. "How have you been?"

"I'm doing great!" Hide grinned as he pulled away from the hug. "Although it gets a bit lonely sometimes where..."

That's right. Ever since Kaneki and Ayato left with Midoriya, Hide, and Hinami were working here in Anteiku as substitutes and helping out Yoshimura with his café. 

"I understand that..." I hummed in response.

Hide's gaze then went over to Shoto and smiled brightly at the dual quirk user boy.

"You must be Shoto Todoroki." Hide said, reaching out a hand. "I'm Hideyoshi Nagachika, a friend of Nana and Kaneki. Nice to meet ya!"

"The pleasure is mine as well." Shoto smiled a bit as he shook hands with Hide.

"Let me guess..." Hide then again looked over at me. "You came to visit Yomo-san again, huh..."

"Yeah." I nodded my head. "Where is he?"

"He's upstairs." Hide replied, motioning his head towards the stairs.

"Oh, okay." I smiled. "By the way, why are you here all alone, Hide? Where are Touka, Hinami and Yoshimura-san?"

"Yoshimura-san went out for a while. He'll probably come back in the evening. And Hinami went back to her house to fetch something, so Touka tagged along with her." Hide replied.

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