Chapter 35: Team-Up: Top Three, Nana, Deku & All Might!

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This chapter is the continuation of Chapter 32: The Beginning Of The End

Third Person's POV

In an abandoned and almost wrecked part of Musutafu City, two 3rd-year students of Ketsubutsu Academy High School were searching for a group of civilians to send toward evacuation zones and those students were Yo Shindo and Tatami Nakagame.

"Jail-breaker showed up in the South Ward yesterday..." Shindo stated as he and his girlfriend Tatami walked down the abandoned road. "But everyone else got assigned to emergency zones elsewhere... We have got to guide the stragglers out of here. Let's resolve the situation quickly."

"The only ones left are bound to be a bunch of stubborn hardliners..." Tatami noted.

"I will tackle this negotiation with a charming smile just like Joke sensei would!" Shindo smirked as he winked at his girl.

"This is gonna suck..." Tatami muttered, pursing her lips.

"Anyway, let's get this over with!" Shindo stated, pointing at a building in front of them. "They're holed up in the Taguchi building, so let's get going!"

The two then reached the location of the civilian group: the Taguchi Building, a large indoor gym where they found a group of civilians taking shelter in there with support items by their sides which they would use to protect themselves.

"They are sending us kids now, huh?" an old man grumbled.

"Well, you wasted a trip. Buzz off." Others frowned at the two students.

"But it's quite dangerous here and your provisions won't last forever..." Shindo stated, trying to negotiate. "Please come with us and take shelter at Ketsubutsu Academy."

"And once everyone is crammed in the school, what happens when those devils decide to attack there?" the old man asked. "You kids think you can do all damn thing about it?"

"When they came for my shop, I gave those suckers a taste of their own medicine."

"Our eyes are wide open now."

"A man is got to protect his own hometown! We ain't putting our lives in anyone else's hands!"

"If they were only coming for money and valuables, then that would be one thing..." Shindo responded in a serious tone. "But jail-breakers and those Nomus are a different story. Someone witnessed the carnage yesterday not far from here. When you are up against someone driven solely by violence, well even the pro well even the pros would get slaughtered by things that far removed from humanity."

"As I said..." the old man scowled at Shindo. "We don't have faith in heroes, but only ourselves. All you heroes act so high and mighty thinking you can force people to live their lives one way or another."

"We are simply more proficient at combat than you fine people..." Shindo said, flashing a charming smile. "Please allow us to protect you."

"Oh yeah?" the old man asked, raising an eyebrow. "Look what's come of trusting smooth lines like that. Look, we aren't seeing eye-to-eye, so go home, kid. Our days of relying on heroes are over."

With that Shindo and Tatami left the building with disappointment.

"That sucked." Tatami teased her boyfriend. "Serious suckage, Yo... Suuuck city!"

"One little hit from my vibrate quirk and that whole tower would be rubble!!" Shindo grumbled angrily while gritting his teeth as he stomped down the road. "Gah, I would have dragged them out of there by force if we were allowed!!"

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