Chapter 37: The Lovely & Deadly Lady Nagant!

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Nana's POV

I stared at that beautiful sniper woman in shock with my eyes wide open in fractions. This then made me recall the night I met up with Keigo just a few weeks back; the same night when I bade my farewells to Aizawa and Yaoyorozu and left the UA dormitory.


After leaving UA in the middle of the night, I met up with the No. 2 pro hero Keigo at Endeavor's agency just before I was about to join Midoriya on the run.

"You should be fine, Nana-chan..." Keigo spoke up as he served me a cup of coffee. "Since you've got Midoriya-kun and One For All on your side. Plus, you're also pretty strong on your own, but..."

"Hmm?" I asked as I looked up at him from my coffee cup, feeling a bit worried. "What is it?"

Keigo let out a sigh and took a seat right in front of me at the small table. His gaze fell on my form and looked deeply into my eyes with all seriousness.

"I have got one concern..." Keigo started to explain. "All For One and Shigaraki aren't at the stage where they can steal One For All and the Ghoul quirk yet. And with Dr. Garaki out of the picture, they don't have the technology to preserve fresh quirk factors. That's because, on the day of the big battle, every facility connected to the doctor was raided. So, the villains' best option is to take both you and Midoriya-kun alive. That's a tall order for most of the escaped convicts, except for one woman who's fresh out of Tartarus. She's actually a former senior colleague of mine."

I blinked a few times while I stared at Keigo in confusion.

"Senior colleague..." I trailed off. "Meaning your senpai?"

"That's right..." Keigo responded, slightly nodding his head. "Hunting her down is one of my top priorities, but if she's the one who comes for you... Drop everything and run."

Flashback ended

I slowly turned back to look at Midoriya's phone which was still pinned to a nearby building right in front of us

Ammunition made of pink and dark blue fibers... Yeah, it's her... A former hero employed by the Safety Commission...

The lovely and deadly, Lady Nagant!!

"You both moved..." Nagant noted, getting ready to shoot another bullet in our direction.

I looked at Midoriya and made eye contact with him.

"Izuku, get ready!" I whispered.

"Yeah!" He whispered back.

Right on cue, Nagant fired another bullet in our direction, but Midoriya and I moved away from there in a flash and jumped off that rooftop. Midoriya quickly used his Blackwhip and grabbed his broken phone before he and I started to flee from our new enemy.

Midoriya used his Danger Sense as well as his Blackwhip to swing across the buildings while I used my Gravity Manipulation quirk to fly away, both trying to avoid Nagant's bullets.

She destroyed our secure line... Toshi-chan and Keigo will realize that some things amiss... But, we've got no way to tell them that it's Lady Nagant who's after us. She might target them too as they get closer! For now, we should retreat like we were told!

"Don't go thinking you have got any options..." Nagant stated.

At that moment, I realized that the bullet that was following me from behind had changed its direction by going around a building and now aiming at me from the front. Without wasting any more time, I quickly used the repulsive force of my Gravity Manipulation quirk and deflected the bullet back to its original source which is Lady Nagant at greater speed and force.

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