1 - dissapear

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TW : Abuse , Murders , etc.
Disclaimer: this is my first book ever ... so the spelling will get better by time okay gotta trust the process 😩😩

Olivia's POV :
My whole life I've wanted to get out of this place.
Today was the day.
My mothers birthday was today and that meant that there was going to be a party. I could already hear the loud music from downstairs, people talk , and people walk around. I also could hear my dads voice from downstairs.

The voice of Marcello Fernandez : my father i will never forget.

I had to get dressed.
One of the maids had put a dress on my bed.
It was a white silky dress.

None of the maids ever spoke to me, I always wonderd why?

Until one maid did speak to me and my father dragged her into my fathers office. I could hear her screams in my room.

After a couple of minutes the screaming stopped.
I looked through the keyhole of my door.

I saw my father drag her lifeless body out of the office. my eyes filled with tears and I put a hand over my mouth so that I didn't make a sound. The body was dragged away, leaving a trail of blood. After that, the maids never spoke to me or even looked at me again.

I was 7 years old.

My father always called me and my sister weak. He took his anger out on my mom. but when he got bored of her he began to take his anger out on us.
The first time I got bruised by him I was 6 years old.

I put on the white silky dress and my sister wore the exact same dress.
We walked down the stairs and the big hall was filled with people.
Hours went by and we stood next to our mother and father.

I could see that my mom tried to cover up the bruise under her eye with concealer.
It got dark and everyone was drunk.
I grabbed my sisters hand and dragged her into one of the bathrooms downstairs.

My dad didn't even notice because he was so drunk and could barely walk a straight line.

I looked at my sister. "Do you remember the plan?" she bit the inside of her lip and I could tell she was nervous.

''Olivia if this goes wrong we're going to die '' I knew she was right and that's why we hesitated for so long to do this.

I looked back at Carla. ''I know, the guards are too focused on the people walking around inside to pay attention to us. we just have to kill the guard at the gate and get his card which we can scan at the door so the gate opens''

my sister took a deep breath and played with her bracelet she was wearing.
she took my hand. '' It is now or never''

I took a knife out of my room and put it in the thigh-band under my dress.

The cold metal brushed against my inner-thigh.
And yes I could've taken a gun but the gun shot would make noice and we would get caught in no time.

The mansion we lived in had endless halls of doors and endless rooms .
we walked quickly , almost ranned.

after taking many steps we came to the end of a corridor. the hallway where my father's office was.

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