5 - new home

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TW : Abuse , murders , etc.

Olivia's flashback :

We all sat at the table eating dinner.
None of us spoke.
Mom Carla and I stared at our plateful of food.

We were not hungry because our stomachs were already full of fear.

And then it happened.
Father got angry.

My mother's eyes were already filling with tears because she was so scared.
''Please don't do this Marcello, not now''.

My father looked at my mother.
And he slapped my mother. '

'Marcello sorry sorry, I'm so sorry, just calm down okay?''.

His anger erupted.
Plates flew off the table.
He threw mom against the wall.

Carla and I immediately cried out of fear.
"Daddy please stop." Carla sobbed

He started throwing glasses at us.
A piece of glass broke on Carla's shoulder and began to bleed heavily.
She screamed in pain.

Mom lay unconscious on the floor.

We ran to the stairs to go up. Carla ran in front of me and her arm was covered in blood, it was dripping on the stairs.
I wanted to run but a hand grabbed my leg and pulled me down.
Carla screamed and saw me being dragged downstairs.

He kicked me and I was too scared to fight back. I put my arms in front of my face to protect myself.

''Now you're not so tough huh''. He gave a devilish laugh.

I screamed and begged him not to hurt me.
Too late.
He beat me up and cut open the inside of my leg.


I woke up all sweaty.
Still strapped to the seat.
God how many hours have I been stuck here? The room I was in was terribly cold.
I shivered.

The blood from my nose had dried up and ran from my nose to the end of my neck.
I licked my lips and tasted the iron taste of my blood.
The door flew open and a whole bodyguard team came in and had someone tied up.

It was Carla.
She was unconscious and was placed on a chair next to me.

Valerio entered the room.

I looked at him angrily.
''If you hurt or touched her, I am going to kill you''

He checked me from top to bottom.
"Take it easy princess, I brought her here for you, she was all alone at home that would be sad wouldn't it?"

I was silent.
He grabbed a chair and sat down in front of me again. He first looked at me with his moss green eyes before he spoke.

''What are you? he said with a questioning tone.

"I'm a werewolf," I said sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes
''Are you an assassin?''

I sighed
''Yes I'm an assassin dumbass''.

''Just an assassin?''

I nodded slowly
''Yes just an assassin''.

I knew exactly what he meant. I'm never in my life going to tell that I'm the one and only Night. I'm a good liar so I think he believes me.
Carla woke up next to me slowly.

"Carla did they hurt you?" I looked at her questioningly.

"I don't think so, but what are we doing here?"
She scanned the room frantically not knowing why she was here tied to a chair.

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